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Recreatex documentation

LLV Instructor website

Students who unsubscribed from a lesson group day or students who subscribed for a catch-up lesson can now also be displayed in the LLV instructor application.


By default, unsubscribed students are not displayed. To change this, go to the LLV Manager page > Settings > User preferences and tick the check box Show unsubscribed students and press Save.


Two new default background colours have been introduced in the Presences tab and the Scores tab:

  • When a student has unsubscribed from the lesson group, the record will get a gray background.

  • When a student has subscribed for a catch-up lesson, the record will get a green background.


These background colours can be changed by going to the LLV Manager page > Settings > User interface. Press on the colour and a new window will open where you can choose another colour.



An unsubscribed student is displayed for information purposes only. So logically you cannot modify the record or give scores.