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Recreatex documentation

Facility bookings

The tab Facility bookings contains the settings of the web module Bookings.

General settings

Module active

This setting determines if the module in question is available or not (visualised as a tab) on the Recreatex Webshop.

In this way, different modules can be offered per Webshop (if different webshops are created for a certain Recreatex database).

Anonymous access

This option allows website users to access this module without having to log in. In this way, users that do not have a user account can also consult the module.


  • If a user that has not logged in wants to add an item to the shopping basket or wants to make an order/booking, the system will ask him/her to log in anyway (if required by creating a new account!)

  • If anonymous access is not allowed, the tab of this module will not be visible to users that have not logged in.

Navigate to shopping cart after adding

This setting is active by default and makes sure that the Webshop automatically navigates to the shopping basket after clicking on the button In shopping cart.

If this option is deactivated, the system will return to the previous overview after an order/booking. In this case, the user can navigate to the shopping basket himself to finalise the order.

Allow new UI for booking

This parameter allows you to define which user interface and flow has to be used when making a booking on the Webshop.


Activating the new UI for booking enables the use of additional functionalities on the Manager page, such as Show single infrastructure for type, Day colour [week/month view only] and Colour occupied hours. To configure these parameters, see the description of the setting in question under Overview settings of the module Facility bookings.

If this option is active, the new user interface for the booking module will be used wherein:

  • The user can search for a combination of location and activity for a specific date on the start page of the bookings module.

  • It is possible to look for an activity, location or activity type on the basis of its initial letter.

  • The user will be transferred to the detailed page of the selected activity, location or activity type for making a booking.

  • The user can click on the desired time slot to select it and click Next to proceed with making a booking.

  • The parameter Use divergent colours will be activated by default, making it possible to define colours for closing day/hour, day colour and occupied hours visualised on the Webshop.

  • It is possible to determine the visualisation of single or multiple infrastructures for a location when making a booking for an activity type.

Booking status

This parameter allows you to define the status that has to be given to online bookings made in the Webshop:

  • Always definitive

  • Always in option

  • User can choose


A booking in option never has to be paid online and will not be recorded in Recreatex either. Such bookings always have to be followed up in the back office.

If you opt to let the user choose, he/she will be able to indicate this while making the booking:


Booking type

Here you can determine which booking types are allowed online:

  • Only simple bookings

  • Only bookings with recurrent pattern

  • User can choose

If you opt to let the user choose, he/she will be able to indicate this while making the booking:


Hide consumables/usable articles

These parameters determine the way in which the list of consumables and user articles (that can be added to the booking) will be visualised.

Since consumables and user articles are considered options for a facility booking, these parameters are linked to the setting Disable options.

  • If Disable options is active, the two new parameters will be selected.

  • If Disable options is not active, the two new parameters will be deactivated as well, and you will be able to activate both parameters separately.

  • If one (or none) of the two new parameters is active, the parameter Disable options will be deactivated as well.

  • If both new parameters are activated, the parameter Disable options will be activated as well.

Show card numbers with valid membership

If this parameter is active, the Webshop customer will see an overview of his/her cards with valid membership when making a booking.


In this way, the card will be validated and the system will check whether the room, as well as the activity, correspond to the valid membership.

Activating this setting is only required if the possibility to make a booking depends on having a specific membership.

Remember selected activities for booking

This parameter makes sure that the selection of activities in the booking overview is remembered and used when creating a new booking.



It is possible to use this setting only when the parameter Allow new UI for booking is deactivated.

Show competition type for group

Activate this option to allow customers of the type "group" to specify the competition type when booking a facility. There are 5 possible types: Undetermined, Competition, Training, Demonstration, and Private.

You can choose which competition types should be available on the booking form, in the Competition type drop-down list.


The competition type selected by the customer can be found in Recreatex backoffice on the booking detail screen in the tab Extra.


Possibility to configure fields in the facility booking flow as Visible, Mandatory and Editable.

Currently implemented for fields:

  • Contact: The field is available on the Create booking screen (simple booking, booking series and season planning). In Recreatex backoffice, the provided contact information is then stored in the booking under Contact person.


    Regardless of the configuration, this field can only be shown if the logged-in user has properly configured contact(s) added in the tab Contacts of his/her address card.

    The following configuration allows you to show the contact person on the Webshop within the module Bookings:

    • Modify contact person > tab Web: the setting Show on Website is checked.

    • Modify contact person > tab Address: the address type Booking is selected.

    • Visible: This option must be selected to visualize the field. The field is visible on the Create booking page and a contact can be selected.


      When logging in as a school/group/company representative to a group/school/company account using the individual account login credentials the logged-in customer is automatically detected as the contact and preselected*. If the Contact field is only visible but not editable, the customer will not be able to change the contact.

    • Mandatory: If the field is visualized, it can be made mandatory (marked with a red asterisk). Customers must select a contact to be allowed to move to the next booking step.

    • Editable: This option applies only when the contact is preselected* and allows the logged-in user to change the contact person for the booking.

Visualisation filter


Depending on the parameter Allow new UI for booking under General settings, setting options for the Visualisation filter will differ.


Visualisation filter settings when the parameter Allow new UI for booking is checked.


Visualisation filter settings when the parameter Allow new UI for booking is not checked.

Immediately open filter

If active, the part with search and filter options will immediately be opened when surfing to the module Facility bookings.

Filter by location/activity

Filter by type

All settings of the type Filter by... determine the visualisation of the filters in question in the overview of the Search and filter options.

Filter on activity using

This setting determines the behaviour of the place filter if several activities are selected in the search and filter options.

  1. Logical OR: show locations where at least one of the selected activities is allowed.

  2. Logical AND: show locations where all selected activities are allowed. Locations in which one of the selected activities is not allowed, will not be shown.

Option to show all locations in activity view

Possibility to enable/disable the option All in the drop-down list of the Location filter on the booking activity detail page.


See further the setting: Insert all locations option at

Insert all locations option at

  • Start

  • End

Choose whether the option "All" (in the drop-down list of the Location filter) should appear at the beginning or end of the drop-down list.


To use this option, first activate the setting: Option to show all locations in activity view

Overview settings

Overview settings when the parameter Allow new UI for booking is checked.


Overview settings when the parameter Allow new UI for booking is not checked.

Use timeline view

This parameter allows you to use the timeline visualisation instead of the default visualisation.

  • Default visualisation:

  • Timeline visualisation:


Time span in calendar

With this setting, the reservation calendar can be visualised by quarter, a half hour or an hour.

Show description

Show customer

Show activity

Show start time

Show end time

Home team


These settings determine which information is shown when customer hovers over an existing booking in the graphic overview.

Select the checkbox next to each information you want to display and fill in the number to define in which order the information should be arranged in the info pop-up.


Mark bookings of others as 'occupied'

If this parameter is active, the information on the reservations made by other users will only be the text “Occupied”.


If this parameter is not active, the activity type for which booking is made by other users will be displayed.


Filter types by infrastructure

This parameter allows determining the visualisation of single or multiple infrastructures for a location when making a booking for an activity type. It functions together with the activation of the new UI for booking and filtering by type.

If this parameter is active, the Webshop user will be shown an overview of one location. It is possible to switch between other locations from the drop-down for location.


If this parameter is not active, the Webshop user will see an overview of all the locations for the activity type in question.


Allow activity colours for occupied hours

If you deactivate this option, a deviating colour (different from those set up in Recreatex) can be used for the occupied hours of the infrastructures on the Recreatex Webshop. For this purpose, the parameter Colour occupied hours will have to be used.

Use divergent colours

If this parameter is active, deviating colours (different from those set up in Recreatex) can be used for the closing days/hours of the infrastructures on the Recreatex Webshop.

Colour closing day/hour

If this parameter is used, deviating colours (different from those set up in Recreatex) can be used for the closing days/hours of the infrastructures on the Recreatex Webshop.

Day colour [week/month view only]

If this parameter is used, the selected colour will be used for the open days of the infrastructures, shown in the week and month overview on the Recreatex Webshop.

Colour occupied hours

If this parameter is used, the user can choose a colour for the occupied hours of the infrastructures on the Recreatex Webshop, provided that the parameter Allow activity colours for occupied hours is deactivated.

Price calculation

The user can choose a price group

If you allow the user to choose a price group for the online booking, he/she will be able to choose a price group in an additional step in the booking process.


Use the user's price group

The online booking price is determined by the customer's price group, set up specifically for room bookings and by the price defined for this price group on the place level. In this case, the user can not choose a price group himself.

History settings

Possibility to pay

An option to show/hide the column Pay in My Facility bookings (History and overviews) to manage whether the customers are allowed to pay for previously created bookings.

When enabled, the column is included in the overview showing a checkbox next to each booking that can be paid (1). Selected booking(s) can be added to the shopping cart (2) and further processed in the usual payment flow.


Default: Enabled

Possibility to cancel

If active, the user will be able to cancel bookings that are not (yet) paid/recorded or deleted in History and overviews.


Selecting at least 1 booking you want to cancel (1) will activate the Cancel button (2) at the bottom of the screen. This will allow you to cancel 1 or multiple bookings at once.

Additionally, the option Show cancelled bookings becomes available in the filter (3) to allow the customer to include/exclude the cancelled bookings in the overview. For the cancelled bookings the cancellation date/time is displayed in the column Cancel (3).

Enter cancellation reason

This parameter obliges the user to fill in a reason in case of cancellation.

By deactivating this parameter, the user will be able to cancel bookings without having to specify a reason.

Enable confirm for optional bookings

Activate this setting to allow the customer to confirm optional bookings created in the backoffice. In History & overviews > My Facility bookings, an extra column becomes available showing checkboxes next to optional bookings.


After selecting the booking(s) and clicking the Confirm button the bookings become definitive and the checkboxes disappear.

Show subsidy info

Activate this setting to show the subsidy information in a separate column in History & overviews > My Facility bookings


Immediately open filter

Activate this setting to automatically show the expanded filter in History & overviews > My Facility bookings when the user opens the overview.


By default, this setting is not active and the filter is shown in collapsed form after opening the overview.

Select period

Possibility to determine the period for which the facility bookings should be loaded when a customer opens the My Facility bookings section in History and overviews. Available options are: Today, This week, This month, This year, Today + 1 week, Today + 1 month, Today + 6 month, Today + 1 year (default). (defaul

The option Customized allows you to define another period if none of the default options is suitable.


When a customer opens the My Facility bookings overview, the filter has the predefined period filled in and the bookings for that period are preloaded. The customer can, however, change the period to load the desired selection.


In this example, the predefined period is This year.

Default sorting

Define the default sorting order of the facility bookings in the My Facility bookings section based on the date of the booking: Date (ascending) or Date (descending)

Season Planning

Configuration and activation of the season planning functionality are done in the Recreatex backoffice application. When active, the request and reservation period settings will become available in the Manager application.

  • Request period (1) - limits the user to submit season planning requests within the specified period and time.

  • Reservation period (2) - period for which the customer may create a booking series request.

For complete information on how to configure and use the season planning functionality, see Season planning - Backoffice and Season planning - Webshop.

E-mail notification

As is the case with general notification e-mails (to be set up under General > Settings > E-mail messages) the e-mail address that is filled in here, is the addressee of the internal service, that will receive the copy of the e-mail sent to the customer. By filling in a deviating e-mail address per module, however, it is possible to make the addressee of the order confirmation (e-mail) dependent on the module in which the order was placed. In this way, orders of module X can be sent to service X, of module Y to service Y, etc.

If order

An e-mail will be sent if a user has placed an order for facility booking on the webshop and has finalised the transaction through the shopping basket. This is thus a copy of the order confirmation that is sent to the customer in case of an order.

Send e-mail to location

Use this setting to email the online booking confirmation to one or more e-mail addresses configured on the place level in Recreatex, tab General (setting E-mail address booking mails).

Introductory text module

It is possible to fill in an introductory text per Webshop module. As is the case with the general welcoming and introductory text, HTML is supported for the creation of the introduction per module and the text can be translated if you wish so. The introductory text is always visualised at the top of the module's primary page.

Always save the new settings by clicking on the button Save.