Record extra cancellation costs
If you cancel a booking, it is always possible to charge cancellation costs. This functionality, however, allows you to charge additional cancellation costs, dependent on the amounts already credited (= sum of the refunded amounts of the cancelled bookings).
Open the window by going to Bookings > Book extra cancellation costs.
The window below will appear, in which all bookings that have been cancelled on the current day (today) are immediately listed:
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In the section Search you can determine which cancelled bookings you want to call up:
Customer | The customer of who you want to call up the cancelled bookings. |
Cancell. between... and... | The period in which the bookings have been cancelled. |
Sales date | Every record, and thus also the record of additional cancellation costs, requires a record or sales date. Here you can fill in the sales date that has to be respected when recording the additional cancellation costs. |
If you click on Search, all cancelled bookings that meet the given selection criteria will be visualised.
Per customer you can see the Total refunded amount, and after ticking off the desired customer line you can fill in an amount in the column Total cost. In the lower part of the window, you can see the details of the selected booking.
If you click on Record, a sale will be generated for each selected customer with an additional cancellation cost.
Be careful if you record additional cancellation costs. This functionality allows you to make sales at any time; this program does not take into account, however, the fact that some of these records might already have been executed. Pay attention that you do not wrongfully process extra records for the same customer.