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Recreatex documentation

Turnovers per VAT rate

This report allows you to call up the sales figures per VAT rate.

Go to Sales > Reports > Turnovers per VAT rate.

The selection window below will appear.


In the section Selection you can determine the period of which turnover has to be called up, if you want to see the data of the current division only or of all divisions and whether turnover of the financial transactions (see Articlesmanual 'GENERAL - Articles') has to be included in the report.

In the section Document type you can select the module(s) of which the sales have to be called up.

In the section Report selection you can select which reports have to printed and in which form.

Finally, the sections Article groups and Payment methods allow you to indicate the article groups and payment methods of which you want to call up the ciphers.

If you have filled in the selection criteria, you have to click on Print. The reports below will be visualised:
