POS - Management
This manual describes the specific settings and parameters that determine the use of the Recreatex POS module.
Creation and management of POS menus, sales zones (table plans for catering), sales lists etc.
Determine parameters.
Call up data through 'visualisations'.
Use of comprehensive reporting possibilities.
This manual only describes the 'management' part of the Recreatex 'POS' module. For more information on registering sales, bookings, registrations, ... at the cash register, we refer to the manual 'POS - Use'.
Important to know
The POS module is one of the most extensive parts of the Recreatex package. Consequently, some parameters and settings are to be found on other levels (modules) in Recreatex. These settings are not discussed in this manual and have to be consulted in the respective Recreatex manuals:
GENERAL - Sales: In this manual the settings of a 'point of sale' are discussed. The correct configuration of one or several points of sale is essential for the functioning of the cash register. A cash register is in fact always linked to a point of sale. On point of sale level you can for example determine which POS menus are available for which users and certain functionalities can be (de)activated in function of the use of the cash register.
GENERAL - Employees: On employee level the cashier data are managed, amongst which are also the rights (authorizations) of these Recreatex users within the POS module.
GENERAL - Articles: On article level as well there are many settings in function of cash register sales. It is for example possible to define whether the article can be sold at the cash register or not, whether the article price can be modified at the cash register or not, if the article can only be sold on customer name,... Certain settings in function of the receipt can also be determined on article level.
GENERAL - Management: This manual explains amongst others how to set up different payment methods and which of these payment methods are available at the cash register. The layout of the window that appears when the POS shift is closed is also discussed in this manual.
Manuals other modules: In the other
Recreatex modules as well (for example Facility bookings, Ticketing, Exhibitions, Registrations, Files, ...) there are certain settings and parameters that influence the registration of sales, orders, bookings, ... at the cash register.