List merge fields
Below you can find the complete list of merge fields that can be added when creating mailing or label templates.
Title | Middle_name_2 |
Name | Birth_date |
Middle_name | Tel_1 |
First_name | Tel_2 |
Street1 | Tel_3 |
Street2 | Fax |
Number | Infrastructure_code |
Box | Infrastructure_descr |
Postcode | Place_code |
City | Place_descr |
Country | Price_group_code |
Price_group_descr | |
Activity_code | Booking_from_date |
Activity_description | Booking_to_date |
Activity_address_name | Booking_amount |
Activity_address_street1 | Booking_rental_amount |
Activity_address_street2 | Booking_descr |
Activity_address_number | Booking_activity_code |
Activity_address_box | Booking_activity_descr |
Activity_address_postcode | Culture_event_code |
Activity_address_city | Culture_event_descr |
Activity_address_telephone | Venue_code |
Activity_address_fax | Venue_descr |
Activity_address_email | Culture_event_start_date |
Activity_start_date | Culture_event_end_date |
Activity_end_date | Seat_code |
Activity_remark | Culture_event_date |
Waiting_list_code | Seat_row |
Waiting_list_description | Web_ID |
Waiting_list_remark | Web_password |
Waiting_list_entry_date | Culture_activity_code |
Waiting_list_priority | Culture_activity_descr |
Lesson_group code | IBAN |
Lesson_group_description | BIC |
Lesson_group_remark | External_debtor_number |
Lessongroup_from_date | Club_location_middle_name |
Lesson_group_to_date | Club_location_street |
Level | Club_location_number |
Activity_price | Club_location_box |
Activity_total_price | Web_ID2 |
Name_2 | Web_password2 |
First_name_2 | Province |
Info1 | Account_holder_name |
Info2 | Account_holder_first_name |
Info3 | Account_holder_middle_name |
Info4 | Main_customer_street |
Info5 | Main_customer_street2 |
Function_code | Main_customer_house_number |
Function_descr | Main_customer_box |
Filtered_out | Main_customer_postcode |
Creation_date | Main_customer_city |
Code | Age |
Activity_agreements | Name2 |
Activity_utilities | First_letter_first_name |
Language | Civil_state |
Initials | Number_of_cultural_tickets |
Booking_number | Booking_customer_name |
National_register_number | Booking_customer_contact_name |
Club_location_code | Booking_customer_street |
Club_location_description | Booking_customer_street2 |
Club_location_type_contract_code | Booking_customer_city |
Club_location_type_contract_descr | Booking_customer_country |
Club_location_owner | Invoice_customer_name |
Club_location_code_city_part | Invoice_customer_contact_name |
Club_location_description_city_part | Invoice_customer_street |
Club_location_code_district | Invoice_customer_street2 |
Club_location_description_district | Invoice_customer_city |
Club_location_postcode | Invoice_customer_country |
Club_location_city | Booking_infrastructure_street |
Subsity_start_date | Booking_infrastructure_street2 |
Subsidy_end_date | Booking_infrastructure_street |
Allocation_code | Booking_infrastructure_country |
Allocation_description | Booking_extra_info1 |
Club_federation_code | Booking_extra_info2 |
Club_federation_description | Booking_extra_info3 |
Followed_up_on | Booking_extra_info4 |
To_be_followed_up_by | Booking_extra_info5 |
Follow_up_type_code | Booking_extra_info6 |
Follow_up_type_descr | Booking_extra_info7 |
Follow_up_subtype_code | Booking_extra_info8 |
Follow_up_subtype_descr | Booking_extra_info9 |
Follow_up_place | Booking_extra_info10 |
To_be_followed_up_by | Booking_extra_info11 |
Followed_up_by | Booking_extra_info12 |
Start_date_contract_club_location | Booking_extra_info13 |
End_date_contract_club_location | Booking_extra_info14 |
Booking_extra_info15 | Booking_extra_info19 |
Booking_extra_info16 | Booking_extra_info20 |
Booking_extra_info17 | Booking_day |
Booking_extra_info18 | Booking_number |
JanusSelector |