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Recreatex documentation


Through the parameters, some extra basic settings can be configured.

The parameters can be consulted by going to Exhibitions > Parameters.

The window containing the exhibition parameters is divided in different tabs:


This tab contains the general parameters of the exhibition module. It is, for example, possible to define the VAT-settings, the use of the rights per division, the refresh settings for the graphic overviews, etc.


Through the parameters it is also possible to select the closing calendar to be applied. Using a closing calendar may be useful in order to prevent the registration of exhibition visits on closing days (or, at least, to indicate the closing days). This way it would not be necessary to take the possible closing days into account when creating the exhibition periods.


It is also possible to define the colour that must be used to indicate the closing days within the different graphical overviews.

Exhibition periods on closing days are then displayed in that colour.


When trying to register a visit planned on such a closing day, the following message is displayed:


In case the parameters are set up to additionally block the registration of exhibition visits on closing days, it won't be allowed to create a new exhibition visit. In case the Block visits on closing days parameter is disabled, the warning message will also be displayed, however after confirming it, registration of the exhibition visit will still be allowed (although it is planned on a closing day).


In the Pre-invoicing tab, the financial articles must be defined, on which the payments, cancellation costs and advances of exhibition visits must be recorded.


In this tab, the standard work type for tasks related to exhibition visits needs to be defined, and it must be determined whether or not the principle of task planning is used (see the explanation of the Guides tab in chapter 'Exhibition visits').


In this tab it is possible to define the settings of the OGM (specific Belgian/Dutch layout of bank payment reference).


When making use of OGM, an OGM number will be generated when registering an exhibition visit. This number can then be integrated in the layout of the invoice, the booking confirmation, etc., for the customer to use as a payment reference in the bank transfer.