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Trigger discount code creation upon ticket validation

You can now trigger discount code creation when validating tickets at the entrance and link the discount codes to the same card numbers as the original tickets. This allows you e.g. to deduct the ticket price in the form of a discount code from a membership price when a customer decides to purchase a membership immediately after their visit.


You have created and configured all relevant tickets and memberships.


On the article that represents your ticket configure the discount code details.

General > Basic data > Articles > Articles > open the relevant article card > tab Types

  1. Creation trigger: Choose the suitable option

    • When selling

      This is the default option. The discount code is created when selling this membership article (day ticket).

    • On the first visit

      Once the ticket has been scanned (validated) at the entrance, a discount code is automatically generated with the same number as the card number of the ticket. If your ticket configuration allows the customers to exit and re-enter the facility using the same ticket, the discount code will only be generated once, upon the initial entry.

  2. Discount code template

    You can configure the discount code template directly from within the article card or go to Sales admin > Discount codes > Templates.

    • On the tab General, select the type Voucher (1), check the option Template (2) and add the mandatory Code (3) and Description (4) of your discount code.

      Further, fill in the Discount (5), which would typically be the price of the day ticket (article) that you want to deduct from the full membership price.

    • On the tab Divisions, allow the discount code for all (relevant) divisions within your organisation.

    • On the tab Customer groups, allow the discount code for all (relevant) customer groups.

    • On the tab Template settings, select the option Calculate validity at creation (1) and define the validity period (2) of the discount code, e.g. 1 day if you want to encourage quick decisions when a customer considers buying the full membership.

    • On the tab Applicability > Articles, select the membership article(s) to which you want to apply this discount code.

      Customers who purchase this membership can utilize the discount code generated from their original day ticket to obtain a discount equivalent to the day ticket value.

How it works (POS)

In our example, the customer has purchased a ticket for 1 day visit for 5 euros (1). The ticket has been linked to card number 94171 (2) and validated at the entrance (3).


The ticket validation triggered the creation of an active discount code with the same value as the ticket price and the same card number as the original ticket. Our example discount code is valid for 1 day.



There can only be 1 active discount code for the same card number (e.g. if reusing card numbers). If there is already another active discount code with the same card number, the previous discount code will be deactivated.

After an enjoyable visit, our customer has decided to purchase a 1-month membership for 20 euros (1) to return soon. At the point of sale (POS), the cashier retrieved the discount code based on the ticket card number (2) and applied a 5-euro discount to the new 1-month membership (3). The customer only needed to pay the remaining price of 15 euros (4).

Webshop: Cancel paid exhibition visits online

Customers can now cancel their already paid exhibition visits online through the My Exhibitions overview (History and overviews) and receive the refund as e-purse credit. This option can only be applied on paid exhibitions that are still valid and the customers must be logged in to the Webshop.


To enable this functionality, the following configuration is needed in Recreatex backoffice and Webshop Manager.

  1. In Recreatex, go to Timeslot ticketing > Exhibitions and open the relevant exhibition. Under the tab Web > General configure the setting Final cancel date web (days / hours before).


    This setting specifies how long before the actual exhibition visit date/time the customers can still cancel already paid visits for this exhibition via the Webshop.

  2. In Webshop Manager, go to Exhibitions > Settings > section History settings and activate the setting Possibility to cancel paid visits via e-purse.


    When this setting is enabled, the system will determine the cancellation deadline for each valid paid exhibition visit based on the configuration in Recreatex backoffice (step 1).

  3. In Webshop Manager, under General > Shopping cart > tab General > section Payment methods ensure that the payment method e-purse has been activated for the relevant user type(s).


    When visit cancellation is completed, the customers will receive the refund as e-purse credit available under their Recreatex account.

Cancelling paid exhibition visits

In the My Exhibitions overview, our customer has 2 already paid and valid exhibition visits (1). On 30/05 the customer decides to cancel the exhibition visits. Based on the configured cancellation deadline the visits for this exhibition can be cancelled up to two days before the visit date/time. The system checks which visits are still eligible for cancellation.

Although both visits are valid, only the visit scheduled for 20/06 can still be cancelled and shows an active Cancel button (2). The visit on 31/05 cannot be cancelled as the cancellation deadline has passed, and the Cancel button is no longer available (3).


Clicking the Cancel button displays a confirmation message with information about the e-purse refund and an option to select a cancellation reason. Clicking Delete removes the visit and triggers the refund.


The cancellation is registered and the customer can see the updated e-purse balance online in his My e-purse overview.


This information is also available in the backoffice, under the tab E-purse on the customer address card.
