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Recreatex documentation

Adjust and manage booking series requests

In the Webshop, go to My profile > Season planning to open the Overview.

In the table overview, column Action you can see all possible for a particular booking series request, depending on its current status.

  1. Request

    When you create a new booking series it will automatically get the status Request. Possible actions are:

    • Decline - if you want to cancel the series. The status will change to Declined

  2. Proposal

    When a planner creates a booking series in the backoffice, the booking series gets the status Proposal. Possible actions are:

    • Approve - if you want to accept the proposal. The status will change to Proposal accepted.

    • Decline - if you want to cancel the series. The status will change to Declined

    • Change - if you want to create a counter-proposal. Adjust the booking series and confirm. The status will change to Request.

  3. Waiting list

    The planner can put the request on a waiting list to handle later. Possible actions are:

    • Decline - if you want to cancel the series. The status will change to Declined

  4. Proposal accepted

    When you approve the booking series proposal created by the planner, the series will get the status Proposal accepted. Possible actions are:

    • Decline - if you want to cancel the series. The status will change to Declined

  5. Approved

    This status is definitive and no further actions are possible.

  6. Declined

    This status is definitive and no further actions are possible.