NF525 fiscal archive file documentation
The fiscal archive is an SQLite db file that contains sales data for a division and for a fiscal period. It includes the totals for the closed period, and detailed data about sales transactions and events.
Via SQLite browser which is an open source tool, it is possible to look into these archives.
Fiscal archive converter
When an audit takes place you can if needed use a conversion tool to convert a .db file to a list of .csv files
This conversion tool is provided within Recreatex and you can use it as follows:
In Recreatex, go to Extras > NF525 > Fiscal archive converter
Select the path where the fiscal archive .db file is located.
Select the export folder where the .csv file should be placed.
Press Convert.
All data will be converted to .csv files.
The exported fiscal archive file is digitally signed, and the digital signature is contained within the archive.
Exported fiscal archives must be kept on a secured external media for the legal retention period.
You can verify the integrity of the fiscal archive and its data by using the integrity verification tool, also provided in Recreatex.
See Using the integrity checker tool for more information on using the integrity checker.
The name of the file is composed of a prefix nf525_fiscalarchive_ followed by:
Operationtype: indicating if it is a daily, monthly or yearly archive.
Startperiod: start period of the fiscal archive in format yyyyMMdd
Endperiod: end period of the fiscal archive in format yyyyMMdd
SiretNumber: the siret number of the division the fiscal archive was for
So for the month January for division "Sportdienst" this would be: nf525_fiscalarchive_monthly_20220101_20220131_453 983 245.db
Fiscal archive structure
A fiscal archive has the following structure:
Field | Description |
ArchivationDate | The creation date of the fiscal archive |
From | The start time of the period the archive is for |
Till | The end time of the period the archive is for |
DivisionID | The division the archive is for |
Identification of the division (= issuer)
Field | Description |
DivisionID | Unique identifier of the division |
DivisionName | The name of the division |
DivisionAddress | The address of the division |
DivisionZipcode | The postcode of the division |
DivisionCity | The city of the division |
DivisionCountry | The country of the division |
DivisionLegalForm | The legal form of the division |
DivisionShareCapital | The share capital of the division |
DivisionVat | The VAT number of the division |
DivisionSiret | The SIRET number of the division |
RCS number | The RCS number of the division |
City of the registry office | Is contained in the RCS number field |
Trades directory registration number | The trades directory number of the division |
NAF code | The NAF code of the division |
Software | The name of the software |
Version | The version of the software on the moment of archive generation |
Cumulative data (Grand total): the grand total logs that took place within the period of the archive.
Field | Description |
GrandTotalID | The unique identifier of the grand total. |
PeriodID | The unique identifier of the period in case of a grand total log of a period closure. The z report number of a z report in case of a period closure happening via creation of a z report. |
AmountsInclVatByVatRate | Amounts including VAT for all sales done in the selected period, broken down by VAT rate. |
CumulativeGrandTotal | The total amount including VAT for all sales done in the selected period. |
CumulativePerpetualGrandTotalActualValue | The total turnover including tax, since the beginning of the use of the system and never resetting itself to zero. In other words, the sum of all previous cumulative grand totals plus the grand total of the current period. |
CumulativePerpetualGrandTotalAbsoluteValue | The cumulative perpetual grand total (absolute value) for the period. In other words, the cumulative perpetual grand total (absolute value) for the previous period, plus the total amount including VAT for all sales done in the current period. Negative transactions (receipt cancellations, credit notes) are counted in positive (absolute value). |
GrandTotalRegistrationDate | The registration date of the grand total. |
Signature | The digital signature of the period grand total record. |
Sales and cash data from invoices (R12)
Issuer data (coming from division)
Field | Description |
InvoiceNumber | Number of the invoice |
IssuerID | ID of the issuer |
IssuerName | Name of the issuer |
IssuerAddress | Address of the issuer |
IssuerZipCode | postcode of the issuer's address |
IssuerCity | City of the issuer |
IssuerCountry | Country of the issuer |
IssuerLegalFrom | The legal form of the issuer |
IssuerSocialCapital | The share capital of the issuer |
IssuerVATNumber | VAT number of the issuer |
IssuerSirenNumber | The SIRET number of the issuer |
IssuerSiretNumber | The SIRET number of the issuer |
IssuerRCS | RCS number of the issuer |
IssuerCityOfRegistryOffice | Is contained in the IssuerRCS field |
IssuerTradesDirectoryRegistrationNumber | The trades directory registration number of the issuer |
IssuerNAFCode | The NAF code of the issuer |
Customer data
Field | Description |
InvoiceNumber | The invoice number of the invoice |
CustomerNumber | The external customer number of the customer |
CustomerName | The name of the customer |
CustomerAddress | The address of the customer |
CustomerPostcode | The postal code of the address of the customer |
CustomerCity | The city of the customer |
CustomerCountry | The country of the customer |
CustomerVatNumber | The VAT number of the customer |
CustomerSiretNumber | The SIRET number of the customer |
Headline data
Field | Description |
InvoiceNumber | Number of the invoice |
DocumentType | Type of document (Invoice, Credit note, Deposit) |
InvoiceDate | Date of the invoice |
InvoiceRegistrationDate | The registration date of the invoice in the database |
OperatorID | Unique identifier of the employee that created the invoice |
DeliveryDate | Date of delivery or execution of the service. |
Line data
Field | Description |
InvoiceNumber | Number of the invoice |
InvoiceLineNumber | Sequence number of the invoice line |
ProductCode | Identification of the product on the invoice line. |
ProductDescription | Name of the product on the invoice line. |
ProductQuantity | Quantity of the product that was sold. |
UnitPriceExclVAT | The unit price of the product, excluding taxes. |
UnitPriceInclVAT | The unit price of the product, including taxes. |
DiscountAmount | The amount of discount that is applied to the invoice line. |
TotalAmountExclVAT | The total amount of the invoice line, excluding tax. |
VATRate | The VAT rate applied to the invoice line. |
TotalVATAmount | The total VAT amount. |
TotalAmountInclVAT | The total amount of the invoice line, including tax. |
AdditionalInformation | Additional information of the invoice line. |
Invoice footer data
Field | Description |
InvoiceNumber | Number of the invoice |
TotalAmountExclVAT | Total amount excluding VAT, constituting the basis for the calculation of VAT by VAT rate |
VatAmountByVatRate | Amount of VAT by VAT rate |
VATRatesApplied | VAT rate(s) applied |
TotalAmountOfInvoiceBeforeTax | Total amount of the invoice before tax |
TotalVATAmountForTheInvoice | Total VAT amount for the invoice |
TotalAmountOfTheInvoiceInclVAT | Total amount of the invoice including VAT |
NetAmountPayable | Total amount of the invoice including VAT - already registered advancements |
SignatureOfTheInvoice | The digital signature of the invoice |
SoftwareName | The name of the software |
SoftwareVersion | The version of the software |
Sales and cash data from receipts (R13)
Headline and issuer (= division) data
Field | Description |
UniqueDocumentNumber | Number of the receipt (ticket) |
SoftwareVersion | Version of the software |
NumberOfPrints | The number of times that the receipt was printed. |
IssuerName | Name of the issuer |
IssuerAddress | Address of the issuer |
IssuerZipCode | Postcode of the issuer |
IssuerCity | City of the issuer |
IssuerCountry | Country of the issuer |
IssuerSiret | The SIRET number of the issuer |
IssuerNAFCode | The NAF code of the issuer |
IssuerIntraCommunityVATNumber | The VAT number of the issuer |
PointOfSaleID | Identification of the point of sale where the receipt was created. |
DocumentRegistrationDate | The registration date of the document |
OperationType | Type of operation (sale, cancellation, partial return,...) |
DocumentType | Type of document: note (bill), receipt (ticket), proof of payment, ... |
NumberOfSalesLines | The number of sales lines on the receipt. |
Signature | The digital signature of the period grand total record. |
SoftwareName | The name of the software |
Line data
Field | Description |
UniqueDocumentNumber | Number of the receipt (ticket) |
LineNumber | Sequence number of the receipt line |
ProductCode | Identification of the product on the receipt line. |
ProductDescription | Name of the product on the receipt line. |
ProductQuantity | Quantity of the product that was sold. |
VatCode | The VAT code applied to the receipt line. |
VatRate | The VAT rate applied to the receipt line. |
UnitPriceExclVAT | The unit price of the product, excluding taxes. |
UnitPriceInclVAT | The unit price of the product, including taxes. |
DiscountPercentage | The percentage of discount that is applied to the receipt line. |
DiscountAmount | The amount of discount that is applied to the receipt line. |
TotalExcludingVAT | The total amount of the receipt line, excluding tax. |
TotalInclVAT | The total amount of the receipt line, including tax. |
EmployeeID | The identifier of the employee ID that created the receipt. |
Summary data
Field | Description |
UniqueDocumentID | Unique document identifier in the database (ID of the ticket bill log) |
UniqueDocumentNumber | Unique document number |
VatRateTotals | A collection of VAT rate total lines. |
VatPercentage | The VAT percentage of a VAT rate total line |
TotalAmount | The total amount including tax for that VAT rate |
TotalAmountExclVat | The total amount excluding tax for that VAT rate |
VatAmount | The total VAT amount for that VAT rate |
TotalExcludingTaxOfDocument | Total amount excluding tax for the receipt |
TotalInclusiveTaxOfDocument | Total amount including tax for the receipt |
Payment data
Field | Description |
UniqueDocumentID | Unique document identifier in the database (ID of the ticket bill log) |
UniqueDocumentNumber | Unique document number |
PaymentMethod | Name of the payment method |
PaymentAmount | Amount of the payment method |
GDHTimestamp | The registration time in the database. |
EmployeeID | The employee that registered the payment. |
Sales and cash data from duplicate invoices (R12)
Field | Description |
DuplicateID | Identifier of the invoice duplicate log in the database |
OriginalDocumentNumber | The document number of the original invoice |
OriginalDocumentType | Type of original document (Invoice, Credit note, Down Payment, Pro Forma) |
ReprintNumber | The number of times that the invoice was printed. |
PrintStatus | Duplicate |
OperatorCode | The identifier of the employee that created the invoice duplicate |
DuplicateDate | The registration date of the duplicate in the database. |
DuplicateSignature | The digital signature of the invoice duplicate record. |
SoftwareName | Name of the software at creation of the invoice duplicate |
SoftwareVersion | Version of the software at creation of the invoice duplicate |
Sales and cash data from duplicate receipts (tickets) (R13)
Field | Description |
DuplicateID | Identifier of the duplicate log in the database |
OriginalDocumentNumber | The document number of the original receipt |
OriginalDocumentType | Type of original document (Receipt, Invoice from receipt, Direct Invoice, Credit note,…) |
ReprintNumber | The number of times that the receipt was printed. |
OperatorCode | The identifier of the employee that created the receipt duplicate |
DuplicateDate | The registration date of the duplicate in the database. |
DuplicateSignature | The digital signature of the receipt duplicate record. |
SoftwareVersion | Version of the software at creation of the receipt duplicate |
ReasonForIssuingDuplicate | The reason for reprinting the receipt duplicate |
Technical event logs (JET)
Field | Description |
EventID | Identifier of the technical event log in the database |
EventCode | A predefined event code. |
EventDescription | The description of an event. |
OperatorID | The identifier of the employee that created / executed the event |
GDHTimestamp | The registration time of the event in the database. |
AdditionalInformation | Additional information of the event |
Signature | The digital signature of the technical event log record. |
Signature of the archive
Field | Description |
Signature | The digital signature of the fiscal archive. |