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The tab Membership contains the settings of the web module Membership.

General settings

Module active

This setting determines if the module in question is available or not (visualised as a tab) on the Recreatex Webshop.

In this way, different modules can be offered per webshop (if different webshops are created for a certain Recreatex database).

Anonymous access

This option allows website users to access this module without having to log in. In this way, users that do not have a user account can also consult the module.


  • If a user that has not logged in wants to add an item to the shopping basket or wants to make an order/booking, the system will ask him/her to log in anyway (if required by creating a new account!)

  • If anonymous access is not allowed, the tab of this module will not be visible to users that have not logged in.

Navigate to shopping cart after adding

This setting is active by default and makes sure that the Webshop automatically navigates to the shopping basket after clicking on the button In shopping cart.

If this option is deactivated, the system will return to the previous overview after an order/booking. In this case, the user can navigate to the shopping basket himself to finalise the order.

The user can put a membership on an existing card

If this option is active, the user will be able to link a new membership to one of his/her existing cards.


If the parameter Use advanced membership flow is activated, the Webshop user will be able to link membership to one of his/her existing cards from the drop-down list on the map membership page.


Allow add/edit family during purchase for already registered user

If activated, an additional step will be added to the membership purchase process, wherein the user will be able to edit details of the linked family members and contacts as well as add a new member.


If deactivated, the step in which details of the linked members can be edited or added will be skipped in the membership purchase process.


This page is part of the enhanced membership flow that needs to be active on the Webshop. See further the description of the setting Use advanced membership flow.

Description in cart

This parameter allows you to define which of the two descriptions of the membership article has to be shown on the membership list page and subsequent stages of the purchase process. The chosen description will be displayed as defined in the Recreatex Desktop Application.


Purchase new membership

If not active, the tab Membership will no longer be visualised on the Recreatex Webshop. This may be necessary if no memberships are offered for sale on the Webshop.

Renew membership

If not active, it will not be possible to renew memberships under History and overviews.

Renew inactive membership

This parameter is only visible if the parameter Renew membership is active, and determines the possibility to renew inactive memberships in the Recreatex Webshop.

Renew invalid membership

This parameter is only visible if the parameter Renew membership is active, and determines the possibility to renew invalid memberships in the Recreatex Webshop.


In case membership is renewed, for example, the system will take into account the memberships that are already added to the shopping basket, or it will be possible to buy an article with a required membership when the required membership is already in the shopping basket. In this way, users do not already need to have the required membership (before the purchase on the Webshop), and can thus buy the article in question together with the required membership.

Convert membership

If this setting is active together with the parameter Renew membership, the user will be able to renew the current membership or switch to another available membership from the part History and Overview (My Membership) on the Webshop.



For this purpose, the membership options defined on the membership level in the Recreatex Desktop Application will be available for selection.


Extend family membership

Activating this option allows the Webshop user to extend the family membership to his/her new family member/s, from the part History and Overview (My Membership) on the Webshop.


Cancel subscription

If this option is active, it is possible to cancel a non-direct debit membership (so it will not be renewed anymore) from the part History and Overview (My Membership) on the Webshop.


Undo cancellation of subscriptions

If active, this option allows your customers to undo the cancellation of their memberships.

This feature is useful if a customer cancels a membership accidentally or if you want to allow the customers to reactivate their memberships easily to make use of interesting promotions.

In History and overviews, under My Membership:

Each cancelled membership will have a button Start available in the column Auto subscr. prolongation.


For more information about this functionality, go to Undo membership cancellations.

Use advanced membership flow

This parameter allows defining which flow has to be used while purchasing a membership article on the Webshop.


By default, this setting functions together with the setting Membership type.

  • If the advanced flow is active, E-tickets will not be visualised under the tab Membership on the Webshop.

  • If deactivated, you can choose to define that only e-Tickets, only membership items or both e-Tickets and membership items have to be visualised on the Webshop.

If this option is active, the advanced membership purchase flow will be used wherein:

  • The user can enter the purchased quantity of one or multiple memberships on the start page of the membership module.

  • The user can add or edit family member details during the purchase. For this purpose, the option Allow add/edit family during purchase for the already registered user should be activated (see above).

  • The user can purchase a membership for him/herself, family members and contacts.



Visualisation of contacts is dependent on the configuration of the option Contacts (Individual) in the general users of the Webshop manager.

  • A family membership will automatically be assigned to all the family members and the same will be visualised at different stages of the purchase process.


If Use advanced membership flow is deactivated, the current membership purchase flow will be used wherein:

  • The user can select only one membership at a time on the start page of the membership module and enter the quantity on the subsequent page.

  • To add or edit family member details, the user will be transferred to the Family members page in the part My profile (even if the option Allow add/edit family during purchase for already registered user has been activated).

After making the appropriate changes, the user will have to begin with the membership purchase process again.

  • The user can purchase a membership for him/herself and family members, but not for contacts.

  • A family membership will automatically be assigned to all the family members but visualised in the name of the logged-in user at different stages of the purchase process.


Display article(s) same as quantity

This setting determines the behaviour of the display of an article on the membership mapping page when multiple quantities of membership are selected.

If this option is active, a new line will be shown for each quantity of the membership article. The Webshop user will be able to select and confirm mapping only for one member at a time.


If deactivated, the numerical quantity of the membership will be displayed and the Webshop user will be able to select and confirm multiple members for the membership.



This setting will not be visualised on the Manager page if the parameter Use advanced membership flow is deactivated.

Enable standard card type option in card type functionality

Possibility to activate or deactivate the standard option where a new membership is provided as a digital-only membership in the form of a QR code or barcode generated randomly and printed on the order confirmation.


On the webshop, the standard card option has a default label Standard. To provide more clarity for your customers about this type of card you can modify the label translation in the Webshop Manager, under General > Translations > section Custom translations.


To provide additional, custom card type options for new/renewed memberships, see Choose a card type when purchasing a membership on the Webshop.

Overview settings

Show link 'My membership'

If this option is active, the (logged-in) user will be able to click through (using the link in question) to My membership directly from the web module Membership.


Visualisation description

This parameter allows defining which of the two descriptions of the article has to be shown in the article overview.

  • Detailed description: The detailed description is used both in the article overview and on the detailed page (existing functionality).

  • Short description: The short description is used in the article overview and the detailed description is on the detailed page of the article.

  • None: No description is shown in the article overview and the detailed description is used on the detailed page of the article.



It is possible to define whether the membership price will be shown to a user who has not logged in.

A membership can have different price groups as defined in the Recreatex Desktop Application. You can define the visualisation of minimum or maximum price to an anonymous (not logged in) Webshop user.

Show subtotal

This option allows the website users to consult the sub-total price of the selected memberships on the membership selection page and the Chosen membership page on the Webshop.

It functions together with the activation of the advanced membership flow and the visualisation of the minimum or maximum price selected in the previous option, Price.



This functionality is part of the enhanced membership flow that needs to be active on the Webshop. See further the description of the setting Use advanced membership flow.

Show lesson group information when relevant

This option allows you to activate the possibility to consult the lesson group for a membership if it is defined in the Recreatex Desktop Application. In this case, the user will be able to consult the lesson group for the membership from the part History and overviews (My membership) on the Webshop.

Automatic direct debit

Customer can stop direct debit

If active, an additional tab Direct debit is available in the part History and overviews (My membership), from which the user will be able to stop the direct debit contract for the purchased membership.



Immediately after the confirmation, the direct debit contract for the membership in question will be discontinued. Once the user has stopped a direct debit contract, the action cannot be undone.

Display Direct Debit Steps

This option allows to define the visualisation of the steps Overview Direct Debit and/or Confirmation during the direct debit process for membership.


Base validation on

This parameter allows you to define which field the validation for direct debit is done (bank account number or IBAN number). If IBAN number is selected, the Automatic direct debit configuration should be defined as IBAN under General > Shopping basket > Automatic direct debit.

UK account number

This parameter applies to Webshop customers in the United Kingdom, enabling them to make purchases using the UK direct debit facility. Activating this option will result in additional settings below this parameter on the Manager page.

Account number visualisation

This option allows to define the visualisation of the fields for entering the sort code and the bank account number when using the UK direct debit facility on the Webshop.

  • Split per digit: The sort code and account number will be entered and visualised in a singular box per digit.

  • Split per digit surrounded by box: The data will be entered and visualised in a singular box per digit. Additionally, the fields for sort code and account number will be separately surrounded by a box.

  • Split text box: The data will be entered and visualised in a text box.


Terms and conditions and paper direct debit instruction

Here you can upload the specific documents with terms and conditions and paper direct debit instructions.


Click on the button Select to select the file, and afterwards on Upload to effectively upload the file for the document in question.

These documents can then be downloaded during the purchase process by clicking on the link in question.


Show filter

To activate the "Search and filter options" in the module Membership you need to select this setting in combination with one or several available filter options Filter by division, Filter by Membership type and/or Filter by article group.


Use compact filter layout

By using the compact filter layout, you can choose to show only the filter categories initially, with the option to expand each category separately as needed, rather than displaying all filtering categories and options simultaneously.

This can be particularly useful if a category has a lot of options (e.g. article groups)


Filter by division

Activate the option to filter by division. By default, all available divisions are selected when a customer expands the Search and filter options on the overview page of the module Membership.

The available divisions must be configured in Recreatex (module Sales admin > Settings > Points of sale > modify the point of sale > tab Web).


This filter option is only available for the advanced membership flow.

Filter by Membership type

Activate the option to filter by membership type. Note, that if the functionality Use advanced membership flow) is active, all membership types are automatically included in this filter option.

Filter by article group

Activate the option to filter by article group. By default, all available article groups are selected when a customer expands the Search and filter options on the overview page of the module Membership.

Membership type

This option allows you to configure a filter per membership type. In this way, it is possible to define that only e-tickets, only memberships or both e-tickets and memberships have to be visualised on the Recreatex Webshop.

This selection is not applicable to the advanced membership flow.

Default sorting

This parameter allows you to define the default sort order of the membership articles.

In this case, these articles will initially be sorted according to this setting: the user can of course always select his/her preferential sort order when searching for membership articles.

Lesson group

This person already has a membership for this lesson group

If this option is active, only those lesson groups will be shown for the selected student for which he/she has already enrolled. In this case, if the selected student has not been previously enrolled for the lesson group, the list of lesson groups will not be displayed as in the example below:


Lesson Selection Mandatory

If this option is active, the Webshop user is obliged to select a lesson group when buying a lesson group subscription.

Visualisation capacity

If this option is active, capacity of lesson group memberships is shown on the Webshop.



This setting can only be activated when the setting Use advanced membership flow is also activated.

History settings

Show valid memberships by default

Show invalid memberships by default

In the My Membership section of the History and overviews the customer has the possibility to choose whether the overview should show valid, invalid or both types of membership.

To make it even easier for the customer you can configure which memberships will be prefiltered by default when the customer opens the overview.


Exclude components

If a membership contains additional component articles that are also memberships, you can choose to hide these components in My Membership overview (History and overviews) and only show the main membership.

E-mail notification

As is the case with general notification e-mails (to be set up under General > Settings > E-mail messages) the e-mail address that is filled in here, is the addressee of the internal service, that will receive the copy of the e-mail sent to the customer. By filling in a deviating e-mail address per module, however, it is possible to make the addressee of the order confirmation (e-mail) dependent on the module in which the order was placed. In this way, orders of module X can be sent to service X, of module Y to service Y, etc.

Introductory text module

It is possible to fill in an introductory text per Webshop module. As is the case with the general welcoming and introductory text, HTML is supported for the creation of the introduction per module and the text can be translated if you wish so. The introductory text is always visualised at the top of the module's primary page.

Configure Direct Debit Confirmation Template

It is possible to edit the template-based direct debit document, which is displayed on the Webshop during the direct debit process for membership. HTML is supported for configuring the direct debit document and the text can be translated if you wish so.

Click Save to apply the changes.