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Recreatex documentation



  • Vending machine name: Name of the vending machine.

  • Currency symbol

  • Keyboard layout: Possibility to select keyboard layout.

  • Message time out (s): The time that a message stays open in seconds.

  • Session time out (s): Set the time (in seconds) for the kiosk session to expire. The allowed range is min. 30 seconds - max. 300 seconds (5 minutes).


    When setting the time-out limit consider that it also applies to the payment portion of the flow. Insufficient time for the customers to finalize the payment may result in interrupted payment sessions.


  • Webservice URL: The url to the webservice, e.g.: http://localhost:9999/WebShop.svc

  • Webservice password: The password to connect with the webservice.

  • Shop ID: ID that has been generated in the WebShopConfiguration database (this ID will be used to connect with the service).

  • Keep webservice alive (min): This is the time in minutes to perform a dummy call to the service to keep the service awake. When the time is 0, this functionality is disabled.

  • Test connections (min): This is the time in minutes to perform several tests. When the time is 0, this functionality is disabled.


  • Operator pincode: Restrict the access to the Manager page only for users with a pincode. An operator has access to all tabs on the Manager page, except the Cash Management tab.

  • Operator carrier numbers (; separator): The cards that are allowed to open the Manager page (instead of using a pincode). Provide multiple cards by adding a ";" between each card number.

  • Administrator pincode: Restrict the access to the Manager page only for users with a pincode. An administrator has access to all tabs on the Manager page, including the Cash Management tab.

  • Administrator carrier numbers (; separator): The cards that are allowed to open the Manager page (instead of using a pincode). Provide multiple cards by adding a ";" between each card number.

  • Touch & hold to access (s): The time to perform the secret action to open the manager window.

Data locations

  • Report folder: Enter the path to the report folder. The report folder has a directory for each language, each language has ALL the reports! Structure in the report folder:

  • Custom translations: Provide here the path the custom translations folder. The files can be modified with (preferably) Zeta Resource Editor or notepad.  Content of the directory:

  • Carrier scan image: Possibility to enter the path to an image. If this field is left empty, the default image will be used.


    Default image

  • Carrier scan video: Possibility to enter the path to a video. If this field is left empty. This overrides the image scan file.

  • Digital wallet scan video: The path of the video to be used to show the user how the Digital wallet should be scanned.

Refresh cache

  • Refresh cache enabled: Enable / disable refreshing the cache

  • Reference time (hh:mm): Point of time when to refresh the cache

  • Interval (minutes): Time between each refresh

Example 1:

  • Reference time: 01:15

  • Interval: 1440 (24 hours)The cache will be refreshed every day at 01:15

Example 2:

  • Reference time: 01:15

  • Interval: 30The cache will be refreshed every 30 minutes.... / 23:45 / 00:15 / 00:45 / 01:15 / 01:45 / 02:15 / 02:45 / ...