Sales per payment method
This report allows you to generate an overview of all sales, split up per payment method.
Go to Sales > Reports > Sales per payment method.
The selection window below will appear.
In the section Selection you can fill in a number of selection criteria to call up the desired sales.
From... Till... | The period during which the sales have been registered. |
Point of sale | The point of sale on which the sales have been registered. |
Customer | The customer on which the sales have been registered. |
Show payment details | You can indicate if the payment details have to be printed as well. |
Moreover, you can choose to call up the sales of the current division only or of all divisions.
In the section Invoicing you can select if all sales have to be visualised or only those that have already been invoiced or not. If only the invoiced sales have to be visualised, it is possible to indicate if these sales have to be paid already or not.
In the section Document type you can select the module(s) of which the sales have to be loaded.
In the section Selection payment method you can determine which payment methods you want to include in the report.
If you have filled in the desired selection criteria, you have click on Print. The report below will be visualised: