Sales per cost centre and per payment method
This report offers you a correct and clear view on all receipts per cost centre.
Go to Sales > Reports > Sales per cost centre and per payment method.
The selection window below will appear.
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In the section Selection dates you can determine the period of which you want to call up the sales, the point of sale on which the sales have been registered and if you want to see the data of the current division only or of all divisions.
In the section Document type you can select the module(s) of which the sales have to be called up.
In the section Days you can fill in the desired days and hours within the selected period of which you want to call up the sales figures. For example: within the period from 01/01/2011 06:00 - 31/12/2011 23:00 you only want to call up the sales figures that have been registered on Mondays between 12:00 and 13:00.
In the section Report options you can choose to include the details of the grant sale and/or the subsidy sale in the report.
In the section Group per you can determine if the data in the report are grouped per cost centre or per article department.
Moreover, the lists at the bottom of the window allow you to indicate which article departments, cost centres and analytical accounts have to be included in the report, including their respective, undetermined variants or not.
Finally, you can indicate the article groups and payment methods of which you want to call up the data.
If you have filled in the selection criteria, you have to click on Print. The report below will appear:
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