Configure extra charge for zone not included in ticket
When using different zones in your venue, some of those zones may require an extra charge in order to enter.
E.g.: A swimming pool ticket costs €10 and a swimming pool + sauna ticket costs €15. The visitor bought a swimming pool ticket for €10 and tries to enter the sauna area. At the access control, the visitor is warned that an extra charge applies when he wants to enter the sauna zone. When the visitor confirms that he wants to pay the extra fee, access is granted and an extra €5 is charged to the Digital wallet.
The membership linked to the Digital wallet is also linked to an access group.
On that access group the access control scanner(s) of the zone(s) that can be entered is (are) configured as an entrance.
In the window Modify access group setting you need to specify a registration to book the entrance on and the extra charge at the entrance.