Article as a key concept within the Recreatex application
In Recreatex, the term article is used in the broadest sense of the word. The articles are not only physical articles that can be sold or rented (at the POS or Webshop) but also certain financial articles on which items can be recorded.
In addition to the customer file, the article file is also part of the most important data within an organisation. It is in fact the central list of all articles that can be sold or rented.
In this manual, you will learn how to define different types of articles in the article card, which is the basis of each article.
Moreover, the article part in Recreatex offers many other processing possibilities, reports and settings in the function of efficient article management.
In addition to the customer file, the article file is one of the most important data within an organization. After all, the item file is the central list with all items that can be sold or rented. In this manual you will learn how to set up different types of articles via the article sheet, which forms the basis of an article. In addition, the article component in ReCreateX offers numerous additional processing options, reports and settings for efficient article management.