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Recreatex documentation

Collect a rental order

If a customer picks up/collects the equipment he/she ordered, this can be registered in two different ways:

Through the Recreatex back office

Go to Rental > Collections.

The window Overview rental collections will appear, showing you a list of rental collections (by default those of the current date). In addition to consulting the existing rental collections, this window also allows you to register a new collection by clicking on the button New collection (or by clicking on the right mouse button followed by New or by hitting the <F2> key).


The window New rental collection will appear. If you choose the customer, all rental orders of this customer will be listed. If you select a rental order in the upper part of the window, all details of the articles rented will be listed in the section below.


Tick the boxes of the articles that are being picked up/collected and if necessary (for example in case of a partial collection) modify the quantity in the column Quantity collected now.


If you click on OK, the window below will appear in which you can still add some additional information before clicking on Record.


Once the collection has been registered, a collection line will be added under the tab Collections of the rental in question (window Modify rental).

You can print the collection coupon by clicking on the button Print:

Through the Recreatex POS system

In order to register a rental collection through the Recreatex POS system, you have to go to the Extra POS functions and click on Find rental orders.


The window below will appear:


Upon opening, this window will automatically load all rentals of today. You can easily navigate to previous or next days by using the green arrow buttons or select a date in the drop-down box. To narrow down your search further, you can also enter the customer name or the order number. Entering the order number can also be done by scanning a bar code. You can also select the type of rental orders you want to see: To collect, To return or All.

All rental orders are given a colour code that reflects their status: Ordered, Partially collected, Collected, Partially returned, Returned, Cancelled.


All rental orders that meet the given selection criteria will be listed. Tick the rental order(s) of which you want to register a collection and click on the button Collect.


The window below will appear:


If you want to, you can change the quantity to be collected now in the column Quantity collected now (for example in case of a partial collection) before registering the rental collection by clicking OK.