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Recreatex documentation


  • Maximum items in basket: Maximum items that can be sold at each sale.

  • Discount codes: Allow the customers to apply discount codes/gift certificates during purchase or when settling the purchase with a digital wallet.


The kiosk module Articles has the following configuration options:

  • Filter articles on group: Activate this setting to show article groups (1), rather than showing only the full article list (2).


    When this setting is active you can access the additional 2 options: Preselect article group and Show 'all' filter.

  • Preselect article group: With this option, only the article categories will be displayed on an empty screen, allowing the customers to choose a category to view only the filtered article list. When the customer makes the selection the article categories are moved to the top of the screen with the filtered list displayed under the categories.


    This setting can be used with or without the setting Show "all" filter.

  • Show 'all' filter: Possibility to show the filter option All to allow the customers to view the full article list, next to the article lists per category. The setting is ON by default.

    This setting can be used with or without the setting Preselect article group.


    Preselect article group is OFF


    Preselect article group is ON

  • Museum card: Enables the possibility of buying a museum card article.

  • Article clicked delay (ms): The maximum time to wait after clicking an article to do the recalculate (service call).

Hide modules

It is possible to turn off functionalities for this point of sale.

  • Print Enviso tickets by order number: Option to hide the functionality on the kiosk, even if configured and activated in Recreatex backoffice.

    To activate the printing of Enviso tickets by order number in Recreatex backoffice, see ???.

  • Add new memberships to existing card: If you hide this functionality, customers will only be able to renew existing memberships, not buy new ones.

Digital wallet


With this setting, you can decide whether you want to show the membership articles configured as benefits (article card, tab Extras) or not if they are not yet active.

  • On (default): Inactive benefits (membership articles) are shown and can be printed.

  • Off: Inactive benefits (membership articles) are not shown and cannot be printed.

    This option is useful if you want to make sure that the customers can only access the active (valid) benefits based on the defined conditions. For example, if customers can receive free tickets for extending their membership during a certain period, these tickets should only be available on the kiosk when the validity conditions are fulfilled.