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Recreatex documentation

View booking series request

In the Webshop, go to My profile > Season planning to open the Overview.

The table overview

All booking series requests created by the customer as well as series created for the customer via the backoffice, are visualized in a table overview (1). The colours of the individual lines follow the season planning status colours as configured in the backoffice.

The booking series requests in the overview are shown by default in descending order.

PDF icon

For each booking series, you can print confirmation as a PDF document.


The "From" date of the first booking


The "Until" date of the last booking


Describes the occurrence pattern of the booking series.

Location, Place and Activity


Current season planning status of the booking series


Actions that you can perform for booking series requests depending on their current status. For more information, see Adjust and manage booking series requests.


Click the link Show details to open a read-only summary of each booking series. If the booking series has been declined by the planner, you can find the reason in the field Planner remarks. Click Back to return to the Overview.


Empty fields are not shown in the summary.

The filter

If the list is too long, you have the possibility to filter (2) the relevant booking series requests. Click "Filter +" on the right side to expand the filter. Make your selection and click Filter.


In the filter, you can select any activity, regardless of the infrastructure/place. This allows you to filter booking series requests for different infrastructures/places with the same activity.