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Recreatex documentation

Mailing template

Open Microsoft Word and create a new document. The purpose is to use specific merge fields in your letter in addition to the default content, that each refer to certain data in the Recreatex database.

Adding merge fields is only possible if there is a link between the template and the Recreatex database. When creating a new template it may, however, be useful – in addition to writing the default content – to immediately indicate in one way or another where the database fields will eventually be placed after linking to the database.

In the example below these temporary fields are marked in bold and put in between square brackets, but you can of course mark them according to your own wishes.

To [Name] [First name]

Dear [First name],


You are registered for the course [Name course] that starts on [Start date course]...

Kind regards,

Syx Automations

After making the (temporary) template, you have to save it (.docx format) on a location that you and – if other colleagues also have to be able to use the document – your colleagues can reach, for example in a shared network folder.

In order to effectively link the template to the Recreatex database, you have to do a test mailing on the basis of the template. You will not be able to use letters generated in the test mailing for the effective mailing, but the link will at that moment be created allowing you to finalise the template by linking the database fields.

For an explanation on how to link the template, we refer to Execute mailing > Link new mailing template.

Almost all fields from your customer file can be added. For a complete list of the possible fields, we refer to List merge fields.

In the example below you can see by which database fields the temporary fields have been replaced after linking the template to the Recreatex database:

To «Name» «First name»

«Postcode» «City»

«Street» «Number» «Box»

Dear «First name»,

You are registered for the course «Activity_description» that starts on «Activity_startdate» ...

Kind regards,

Syx Automations

If you have provided the template with the required database fields, you can close all Word documents (both the template as the Form letters).

If you then effectively create a mailing based on the linked template, the correct database data will be called up if necessary.