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Recreatex documentation


When the vending machine has multiple menu items your home screen will be a menu selection screen:


When the vending machine does not have multiple menu items your home screen will directly go to the exhibitions and look like this:


All visualized exhibitions must meet these criteria:

  • Point of sale is selected on the exhibition.

  • AND the exhibition is not blocked.

  • AND the exhibition has future periods.

  • AND the exhibition rights for the division should be All rights.

Exhibition periods

All visualized exhibition periods must meet these criteria:

  • Exhibition must have show on web turned on.

  • Exhibition is not blocked.

  • Exhibition period is not full.

  • Exhibition period is in the future. 

Exhibition prices

Exhibition article prices

  • Show on web is turned on.

  • Item is not blocked.

  • Item rights for the division should be All rights.

Exhibition price groups

  • Show on web is turned on.

  • Price group is not blocked.