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Recreatex documentation

Basic configuration

In SydAdmin the UiTPAS service must be configured for each division using the UiTPAS functionality (Management > Company Data > Division).

  • UiTPAS URL and suffix Entry API: URL to connect to CultuurNet webservice

  • UiTPAS Key, secret and counter ID: these settings will be supplied by CultuurNet and will be unique for each customer.

  • UiTPAS keywords: keywords that will be send to the UiTPAS service separated by a semicolon

  • Immediately login at start-up of Recreatex: because UiTPAS integration is now longer limited to counter sales it is now also possible to ask for a login to the UiTPAS environment on startup of Recreatex.

On the UiTPAS configuration of the point of sale some parameters have been added (Sales > settings > Point of sale > tab UiTPAS)

  • Create customer with UiTPAS data: when an UiTPAS is scanned and the card holder is not known in Recreatex a new Recreatex customer will be created with the data from the UiTPAS.

  • Select sales customer with UiTPAS data: the sales customer will be changed to the UiTPAS card holder, this will always work for customers already known in Recreatex, for unknown customers this will only work in combination with “Create customer with UiTPAS data” setting.

  • Link UiTPAS to customer and also put the existing memberships on this card: the UiTPAS card will be saved within Recreatex and linked to the customer. If The customer already had subscriptions on other cards al subscriptions will be copied to the UiTPAS card.