With reader simulation
If a reader simulation is specified in the section Selection, and if you click on Check, a list will appear of cards and membership items that are linked to the selected customer and/or card. If you have selected the desired membership item and the desired setting, an overview of all validity tests will appear under the tab Validations.
If no settings are visualised, this means that NO access will be granted anyway with the selected membership item and/or that no access group has been specified for the selected membership item.
If a certain box is NOT ticked off under the tab Validations section Validity, this may be the reason why the membership is invalid and/or why access is not granted.
In addition to the reasons discussed before (see the previous paragraph Without reader simulation), the following reader-dependent reasons will also appear:
Min. time till next visit | At the moment of the validity check, the Minimal time till the next visit is not yet expired. (entrance control) |
Max. duration visit | At the moment of the validity check, the Maximal duration of the visit has expired. (exit control) |
Exclusion calendar access group | Access will not be granted to membership items, linked to an access group to which an exclusion calendar has been linked, during the days defined in that exclusion calendar. |
Active setting | Access will not be granted to membership items, linked to an access group for which the option Settings active has not been ticked off in the Access group -(reader)settings. |
Valid access time | The membership item has been offered outside the valid access time. |
Valid Anti-PassBack | Entrance reader: Access will not be granted at an entrance to membership items that have NOT been offered at an exit and where access was thus not valid. Exit reader: Access will not be granted to membership items that have NOT been offered at an entrance and where access was thus not valid. |
Valid booking | The card holder has not booked a room in the access zone fenced off by the selected reader, or does not dispose of a valid membership card for the booked activity. |
Ticket booking in reader room | The card holder has not made a ticket booking in the access zone fenced off by the selected reader. |
Sufficient credits | The membership item contains insufficient credits to be granted access. |
Sufficient e-purse balance | The membership item does not dispose of a sufficient e-purse balance to be granted access. |
Under the tab Swallow tab you can see all swallow conditions and find out why a membership card might be swallowed.
If one of the swallowing conditions is met, the card, the membership item and the setting will be underlined in red, which means that the card would be swallowed and possibly disconnected if the membership were scanned at the reader in question.
At access | The card will be swallowed if access is granted. |
In case of Anti-PassBack | If the customer has not come in or gone out correctly, the card will be swallowed. For example: the customer has not come in through the entrance reader, and now tries to go out through the exit reader. |
If membership is inactive | The card will be swallowed if the membership item is not active (anymore). |
If no more sessions/period | The card will be swallowed if all sessions per period of the membership item have been used. For example: if the customer may use the membership item maximally 2 x per day and tries to offer it a third time. |
If no more sessions | The card will be swallowed if all sessions of the membership item have been used. |
If period has expired | The card will be swallowed if the validity period of the membership item is expired. |