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Recreatex documentation

Safe-deposit functionalities at cashier level

Cash transfer at start of shift

When starting a new shift on your POS, Recreatex will ask you to enter the amount of starting money you took out of the safe-deposit and to select the safe-deposit you took the money from. After pressing OK, a transaction report will be printed. The starting money is deducted from the money that was in the safe-deposit. The balance of the safe-deposit will be adjusted accordingly.

Cash transfer during shift

During a shift, money can be transferred to/from a safe-deposit by pressing the extra POS function Start safe-deposit transaction.


Next, you will be given the choice to either transfer money from the POS to the safe-deposit (Empty cash drawer) or to transfer money from the safe-deposit to the POS (Fill up cash drawer).

rn5120_clip0006.png     rn5120_clip0007.png

In the next window, you can enter the amount you wish to transfer and select the safe-deposit you wish to transfer to/from. After pressing the OK button, a transaction report will be printed. The balance of the safe-deposit will be adjusted accordingly.

Cash transfer at end of shift

When closing a shift on your POS, Recreatex will ask you to enter the Amount counted. If necessary, a cashier report can be printed by pressing the printer button. Proceed by pressing OK.


Recreatex will now ask you to select the correct safe-deposit. After pressing OK, a transaction report will be printed. The balance of the safe-deposit will be adjusted accordingly.
