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Recreatex documentation

Visitors per hour

The report Visitors per hour offers an overview of the number of visitors per article per hour, of one or several articles.

Go to Membership > Reports > Visitors per hour.

The window below will appear:


In the section Selection you can fill in some selection criteria for calling up the desired visitor numbers:

From date - To date

The period of which you want to call up the visitor numbers.

From - till (hours)

The effective hours within the given period of which you want to call up the visitor numbers.


The effective days within the given period of which you want to call up the visitor numbers.

Only current division / All divisions

Do you want to see the visitor numbers of the logged in division or of all divisions?


Do you want the visitor numbers to be shown per individual day or for all days within given period?

Split up per article group

This option assures that all visitor numbers will be shown per article group and per article.

If you have filled in the desired selection criteria, you have to click on Print. The report below will appear:
