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Recreatex documentation

Renew in batch

Using Renew in batch you can renew (or advance) one or several membership items for a certain access and/or article group in one go.

Go to Membership > Processing > Renew in batch.


If you Renew in batch no sales will be generated.

The window below will appear:


In the section Selection you can select the desired access group and/or article group(s) of which you want to renew/advance the linked membership items:

Access group

The possible access group to which the desired membership items are linked.

Article group(s)

The article group(s) to which the desired membership items were added.

If you click on the button Search an overview of all membership items that belong to the selected access group and/or article group(s) will appear in the section Membership.


In the section in the middle of the window, you can indicate in which way you want to renew/advance all desired membership items.


Renew/advance with # days

The number of days with which all selected membership items have to be renewed/advanced.

Renew/advance until

The new end date that has to be linked to all selected membership items.

If you have selected (ticked off) the desired membership items and the desired type of renewal/advancing, you have to click on Renew/Advance to renew/advance all selected items.