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Recreatex documentation

Print digital wallet transactions overview

Upon the customer's request, the cashier can print an overview of digital wallet transactions for a preconfigured number of days.

  1. Specify the number of days for which the transaction overview should be printed.

    In the module Sales admin, go to Settings > Points of sale > open the relevant point of sale > tab Digital wallet > setting Print transactions overview of last ...x day(s) and fill in the number of days.

  2. Print the transactions overview at the POS (cash register)

    At the POS, go to Extra functions POS_Extra_functions_button.png > Get digital wallet info icons8-wallet-48.png and scan the card or manually fill in the card number. Then click the Print wallet overview button on the right side of the screen.

The printed overview

The printed overview contains the following information:

  • sales header (1):

    • Customer

    • Card nr.: number of the digital wallet card

    • Wallet descr.: this is the description of the related digital wallet article

    • Credit limit: if this is a credit digital wallet

    • Balance

    • Print date/time: timestamp when the overview was printed

    • Printed at: name of the cash register where the overview was printed

  • transactions data (2):

    • Transaction date: transactions in the overview are grouped per date

    • Description of each article

    • Price per unit (including VAT)

    • Quantity

    • Total amount

The digital wallet overview of transactions is printed automatically on the preconfigured printer for the configured number of days.


If no transactions have been found for the configured period, the overview will still be printed automatically but will only contain the header information and the remark "No transactions found" (3).
