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Recreatex documentation


The Course management Instructor Website has a number of specific parameters. These can be modified in Recreatex itself under System > Settings > Web Service settings.

The following parameters can be defined.

  • SkinID

The reference to the design (skin) of the Course management Instructor website. This is the name of the folder within the Content directory of the ISS site containing the files of the Course management Instructor Website.

  • DaysValid (30)

This parameter determines for how many days the cookie with the log-in data of the instructor will be saved (30 by default). If the instructor ticks the box Keep me logged in when logging in, he/she will not have to log in again during the number of days defined in this parameter. This is of course only the case if the instructor does not log out manually, and if the cookies are not deleted from the internet browser.

  • ScoreWidth

This parameter determines the width of the score column in pixels (75 by default).

  • AskConfirmation (true/false)

With this parameter, you can determine if the question for confirmation has to be shown when transferring students.

  • ShowLongerInLessonGroupThanNormal (true/false)

If this parameter is set to true, the name and first name of students that are longer in the current lesson group than the number of lessons defined for the linked level, will me marked in italic and in a different colour (dependent on the current design).

  • ShowLongerInDiplomaThanNormal (true/false)

If this parameter is set to true, the name and first name of students that are longer in the current level than provided for (independent of the lesson group), will me marked in italic and in a different colour (dependent on the current design).

  • FirstNameFirst (true/false)

This parameter determines if the first name of the students has to be shown first in the overviews of students (true) or not (false).

  • PreviousScoreAsBackground (true/false)

By default, the previous score is shown by means of the score icon but in a paler colour (current parameter: false).

If this parameter is set to true, the previous score icon is not shown, but the colour of the previous score icon is used as a background colour in the score column.

  • ExtraInfoInScores (true/false)

If this parameter is set to True, the indication of the presence on the level of access control will also be shown on the score page.