Ticket offers
Offers that use products of the type Ticket are called Ticket offers. Ticket offers allow for one-time access to the venue.
Types of Ticket offers:
Depending on the configurations, you can make the following types of ticket offers:
Total offer: Ticket offer that allows one-time access during the configured offer period.
Per day offer: A ticket offer that allows one-time access on the date it is bought for.
Time slot offers are created as events in the Enviso Booking app. They can then be configured from Enviso Sales from the My offers page.
Per time slot offer: A ticket offer that allows one-time access for a date and time slot.
There are 3 types of per-slot offers:
Regular offer: A time slot offer sold on per-ticket basis and not per-group basis.
Group offer per group ticket: A group offer when sold generates one ticket for each group formed.
Group offer per group person: A group offer when sold generates tickets for each person in the group.
All time slot offer: A ticket offer type that allows access for a certain time slot over a defined period.
Offer details
Provide general information and duration for the offer in the tab Offer details.
Offer name and description | Provide the offer name and a short description (optional) about the offer. |
Offer type | This option is available only for offers with time slots. Offers with time slots are created from the Enviso Booking app. By default, an offer is defined as a Regular offer. However, if you wish to allow group entries for the offer you can select one of the two options for creating a group offer. For a complete description, see Group offer |
Tags | The tags you add here can be used for filtering the offer on the My offers page. It is possible to add or remove tags for offers in draft, active or inactive status. |
Linked events | This field is visible if an offer synced from Recreatex has another offer linked to it. |
Offer image | Add an image for the offer. The offer image should be in 2:1 ratio, with minimum dimensions of 1200 x 600 pixels. |
Offer period
Starts from - Ends on | The duration for which the offer is active. For offers with no defined duration, you can skip entering the offer period. In this case, the offer will remain active for an indefinite period. If only the start date is defined, then the offer stays active until one year from the start date. After activating the offer, the start date cannot be changed. However, it is possible to add or edit the offer end date at a later stage. |
Consult time slot | This option is available for offers with time slots. Click Consult time slots for a calendar view of the offer's time slots. |
Visit duration
Visit duration | An estimated time duration that a visitor would take to complete the visit. The visit duration will show on the offer detail page. |
To configure tickets for the offer, click Select tickets in the section Tickets & Capacity.
Next, you will be able to select from the available tickets.
After selecting the tickets, you can manage the ticket display as well as add translations for the ticket name and description.
Manage ticket display
After initially adding the tickets, it is possible to:
Edit ticket name, description, and price
It is possible to edit and add translations for the ticket name and description.
The ticket price cannot be edited for offer in an active state. You will need to first deactivate the offer to be able to edit the ticket price.
Important to know if indirect channel is configured for an offer:
Your reselling partners can modify the ticket price from their Trade for Resellers account. Ticket description does not show when reselling.
The commission will be calculated on the basis of the ticket price set by the Venue.
After activating the offer, if you wish to change the ticket price, you will need to first deactivate the offer to edit the ticket price. Thereafter, if you wish to inform your resellers about the price change you will need to do it manually.
Remove or add tickets
When creating an offer or editing a draft offer, click on the delete icon to remove a selected ticket. Whereas, to add more tickets, click Select tickets.
It is not possible to add or remove tickets for an offer in active state. You will need to first deactivate the offer to be able to add or remove tickets.
Change ticket sequence
It is possible to change the sequence in which the tickets will be displayed on the offer detail page on Enviso Sales, as well as in the checkout process on your direct channel sales points.
Drag and drop the ticket panel to change the ticket sequence.
Moreover, it is possible to define a separate ticket sequence for each language.
As a result, depending on the selected offer language, the defined ticket sequence will be displayed on the direct channel sales points.
Disable ticket sales
On the edit page of an inactive offer, you can disable sales of one or more tickets. Once disabled, the tickets will no longer be available for sales. However, at least one ticket must be kept enabled.
Then, from the more options menu on the offer card, select Edit. On the Edit offer page, go to Tickets and Capacity. You will have the option to disable each ticket individually.
When the offer is put on sale again, the disabled tickets will not show and will not be available for further sales on the direct as well as indirect channel sales points.
If you wish to start sales for the ticket again, you will need to again deactivate the offer and enable the desired ticket.
Ticket quantity | Unlimited: The offer does not have restrictions on the ticket quantity that can be sold. For example, day visit to the zoo. Limited: The offer has restrictions on the ticket quantity that can be sold based on per day or the total number of visitors for the entire event. Once enabled, you will be able to define the total ticket quantity. NoteAfter the offer is activated, it is not possible to restrict total ticket quantity for the offer. |
Frequency | This parameter allows you to determine the frequency at which the defined ticket quantity will be available for sales while the offer period is active. Total: The defined ticket quantity will be available for sales throughout the offer period. Per day: The defined ticket quantity will be available for sales each day throughout the offer period. |
Group offer
Defining an offer as a group offer is useful when you wish to allow group entries for an offer. For example, the offer 'Museum tour for school children' can be defined as a group offer.
Group offers can be sold on direct as well as indirect channel sales points.
Offer details
For the field Offer type (Edit offer > tab Offer details > Offer type) you can select the group offer type either as a Group offer with tickets per group or Group offer with tickets per person.
The option to define an offer as a group offer is available only if the offer has time slots. Offers with time slots are created from the Enviso Booking app.
For a detailed description of other parameters in the Offer details tab, refer Offer details
Tickets & capacity
Ticket type | Group ticket: One ticket will be generated per group. Group ticket can have only one ticket configured. Individual ticket: A ticket will be generated for each individual in the group. |
Ticket name and Price | Select tickets for the group offer. Refer Edit ticket name and price Important to know:
NoteIf Group offer with ticket per group is selected, you will be able to select only one ticket for the offer. |
Maximum visitors per group | The maximum number of visitors that can be in one group. NoteAfter a group offer is activated, it is not possible to edit the maximum number of visitors per group. Unlimited: No restriction on the number of visitors in one group. Limited: Allows you to define the maximum number of visitors per group. Once selected, you will be able to define the maximum group size. |
Minimum visitors per visit | The minimum number of visitors that should be in one group. It is possible to edit the minimum number of visitors per group even after the offer is activated. |
Number of group tickets | The maximum number of groups allowed per time slot. NoteFor group offers, capacity is managed based on the number of groups (and not on the number of visitors in the group). |
Example of a group offer sale:
The maximum group size for an offer is 10 and the number of group tickets is defined as 2. The price of one group ticket is €25.
Say, a school buys tickets for 15 children for the time slot 10 am to 10:30 am.
In this case:
The total order amount will be €50 (which is €25 for 2 groups each).
The Enviso system will automatically generate 2 ticket barcodes. One barcode will allow 7 entries, while the other will allow 8 entries. This is because, the Enviso system aims at dividing the group with equal number of visitors, however not exceeding the maximum group size.
After this order, the system will not allow a new order to be placed for the same time slot for that day because the maximum capacity for group tickets (which is 2 in this example) has reached.
Costs (Service fee per group)
For a Group offer, it is possible to define a service fee that will be charged per group.
The service fee syncs from Enviso to Recreatex at the time of sale for the offers synced from Recreatex.