Order cancellation and refund
Orders that are reserved or confirmed on the direct channel sales points can be cancelled.
If payment is not completed within 2 hours of placing an order, it will be cancelled automatically and the ticket quantity will be added back to the pool of available tickets.
Partial order cancellation
If you wish to cancel selective tickets of one or multiple offers in the order, select Cancel tickets from the drop-down menu of the corresponding order line.
The membership offers in an order cannot be cancelled partially.
Next, you will be navigated to the Tickets cancellation page, where you can see the ticket and passes that are scanned/not scanned. To cancel, select one or more pass IDs that are not scanned. This is applicable to all types of ticket offers, except 'group offers with group tickets'.
In case of a group offer with group ticket, only one barcode is generated for the group, therefore, you will need to enter the ticket quantity you wish to cancel.
Service fee deduction
In case service fee was applied at the time of sales, you can define how much service fee should be deducted for the partial cancellation.
Discount deduction
In case discount was applied at the time of sales, you can define how much discount should be deducted for the partial cancellation.
Refund summary
This section shows the calculation of the total refund. To refresh the calculation, click Calculate refund.
Thereafter click Cancel tickets. From the resulting pop-up, you can consult the cancellation and refund summary, and click Confirm to cancel the tickets.
Full order cancellation
If you wish to cancel all the tickets or memberships of one or multiple offers in the order, select Cancel order from the drop-down menu of the corresponding order line.
It is not possible to cancel the full order if at least one pass is scanned.
Bulk order cancellation
If you wish to cancel several orders at once, use the option to bulk cancel orders. This can be useful, for example, when you want to cancel all the orders for specific offers or duration.
Bulk order cancellation is not applicable to the membership offers in an order.
Click Bulk cancel
On the resulting screen, enter the parameters to filter out the orders which you want to cancel and click Apply.
Next, you will see the list of orders that match the filtering parameters defined in the previous step.
You can click on an order to consult the order details.
Click Cancel orders at the bottom-right of the page to cancel all the orders at once.
When an order that was paid using Enviso Pay is cancelled (partially or completely), a refund will be generated automatically. The refund status will show on the order list view.
By clicking on the record of a Refunded order, you can consult the refund details from the tab Refunds.
However, if the order was paid using methods other than Enviso Pay, the order will only be cancelled from Enviso Sales. The process of refund will need to be carried out separately.