Product types
Essentially, products are the items that are sold in an offer. Products are a part of an offer.
When a sale is made, the offer is sold with the desired quantity of the products configured for it. For example, in an offer 'Entrance to the museum', the products sold are 2 Adult tickets and 2 Child tickets.
Enviso supports three types of products:
Tickets: A ticket product allows visitors one-time access to the venue.
For example, an Adult ticket of the offer 'Entrance to the museum'.
Memberships: A membership product allows visitors multiple access to the venue.
For example, an Adult membership of the offer 'Museum membership'.
Vouchers: A product voucher can be redeemed by the visitor in exchange of the venue's tickets.
For example, an Adult voucher in a Gift card can be exchanged for an Adult ticket to the museum.
By default, Ticket products are available to all the venue users. If you wish to sell Membership products and/or Product vouchers, please contact Vintia support to enable them for your venue.