Import codes
On the page External Codes, click Import code in the top-right corner of the page.
Next, you will be navigated to the page Import codes, which contains the tabs Details and Linked offers.
In the tab Details enter the name of the external code file and import the CSV file containing the external codes.
1. You can download the sample file to consult how the external codes should be added in a CSV file.
2. The collapsible panel on the right explains in brief how issuing external codes works.
Each external code must not be more than 20 characters.
Link sales points
From the tab Link sales points, you can select the Direct channel sales points that will be linked to the imported external code file.
If you wish to remove the selected sales point, click on the icon corresponding to that sales point.
Link offers
In the tab Link offers, you can link multiple offers and their tickets/memberships. This implies that when the linked offer is sold, an external code will be added to the ticket or membership sent to the customer.
If no offers are selected, then the external codes will apply to ALL the offers.
After adding an offer, it is possible to link specific tickets/membership of an offer as well. To do so, click Modify selection.
In the resulting screen, select the ticket/membership product that you wish to link.
Once you click Done, you will see the number of tickets/memberships that have been linked.
To remove a selected offer, click on the icon.