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Create promotion

On the page Promotions, click Create in the top-right of the page.


Next, on the Create promotion page, enter the required details.




Enter the name of the promotion.

This promotion cannot be combined with other promotions: Select this option if you wish not to allow combining the rewards of this promotion with other promotions.

Use discount code(s): Enable this option in case you wish to provide discount codes for the promotions. If enabled, a new option Discount code will show, which will allow you to either create a discount code or manually upload a CSV file containing a list of codes.

Discount code

This option appears if the parameter Use discount code(s) has been selected in the previous parameter.

  1. Upload discount codes in bulk: In this section, click to upload or drag the .CSV file containing discount codes. This method is useful, especially for importing discount codes in bulk.


    • Ensure that the .CSV file contains one discount code per line for importing the discount codes correctly.

    • The discount codes should contain only numbers and letters. No space, no special characters.

    • Codes containing anything except numbers and letters will NOT be imported and you will see an error for the same.

    Once imported, some of the discount codes will be displayed. To consult the full list of discount codes, click View all # discount codes.


    As a result, a list of all the discount codes will show in the left panel.


    From this left panel, you can (A) search for a specific discount code, (B) remove a specific discount code using the 'x' icon or (C) delete all the discount codes using the Clear button at the bottom of the panel.

  2. Add discount codes one by one: Enter a discount code and click the add button (+).

  3. Consult/remove discount code: The added discount code will show with an option to remove it. Click on the remove button (x) to remove a particular discount code.

  4. Limit usage of discount code: You can control how many times a discount code can be used.

    If the discount code(s) can be used unlimited times, do not select this option. In case each discount code can be used only once, select this option and in the resulting text box, enter 1.


Validity period

Enter the period for which the discount code for the promotion will be valid.


From the Condition tab, you can use the condition builder editor wherein you can define whether or not the situation qualifies for the reward. The reward can then be defined in the next step from the tab Reward.


Below is an example of creating a condition that allows for a discount on Child membership of the Nova Zoo Gold pass.




Applies to

Select whether the promotion should be applied on the basket level (to all the offers in the cart) or offer level.

If the promotion is to be applied on the offer level:

  1. You will have the option to select one or more offers.

  2. You can select one or more tickets/memberships for each offer to which the promotion will be applied.

  3. You can define how many times the promotion can be applied to a single order for the selected ticket/membership.

  4. Using the delete icon, you can remove a selected offer.


Discount value

Enter the discount value for the promotion.

You can select whether the discount will be an absolute amount or a percentage of the basket/offer price.


Limit the number of times the promotion is applied per basket

When creating a promotion that applies to offers, you can:

  • Define the maximum number of times the promotion can be applied to a basket.

  • Choose whether to apply the promotion to the cheapest or the most expensive product in the basket.



If in the step 'Reward', the promotion discount is applied at the offer level, you will see the tab Messages.


The tab Messages contains the option to enable displaying a custom promotion message on the Ticketing widget. You can also add translations for the promotional message.


The promotional message will show when the customer consults the selected offer (in Step 3 Reward) on the Ticketing widget.
