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Default user roles

Depending on your user persona, also referred to as tenant type, you will be able to set permissions for your users. Types of tenants in Enviso are - Venue, Reseller, City or Locker site.





Enviso super admin

  • This role is assigned to the user that creates the tenant

  • This role has all permissions of the admin and the Enviso apps, and inherits any new permissions that are provided in new apps

  • Only a user with this role can assign this role to other users. So only a super admin can create other super admins

  • There needs to be at least 1 super admin in the system


Enviso cloud admin

This role is assigned to a persona that needs access to the Enviso admin, but not to specific Enviso apps. For example, this persona can manage users and roles.

Full permissions for Enviso Admin only


This Enviso app is for the tenant type Venue and Reseller.




Enviso Trade venue admin

This role is assigned to a venue user that has ALL permissions in the Trade app

Full permissions for Enviso Trade for Venues

Enviso Trade reseller admin

This role is assigned to a reseller user that has ALL permissions in the Trade app

Full permissions for Enviso Trade for Resellers


This Enviso app is for the tenant type Venue.




Enviso Sales admin

This role is assigned to a venue user that has ALL permissions in the Sales app

Full permissions for Enviso Sales

Enviso Sales user

This role is assigned to a venue user that has limited permissions in the Sales app

View-only permissions for Enviso Sales


This Enviso app is for the tenant type Venue.




Scan barcode

This role is assigned to a venue user that has permission to scan the barcodes of Enviso tickets and memberships.

Full permissions to scan ticket/membership barcode


This Enviso app is for the tenant type Venue.




Enviso booking admin

This role is assigned to a user that has ALL permissions in the Booking app

Full permissions for Enviso Booking

Enviso booking user

This role is assigned to a user that has limited permissions in the Booking app

View-only permissions for Enviso Booking


This Enviso app is for the tenant type City.




Enviso Forms admin

This role is assigned to a user that has ALL permissions in the Forms app

Full permissions for Enviso Forms

Enviso Forms user

This role is assigned to a user that has limited permissions in the Forms app

View-only permissions for Enviso Forms


This Enviso app is for the tenant type Locker site.

The default user role 'Enviso eLoxx Admin' has full rights for all functionalities.




Manage devices

Show All

Connect, Connection details, Edit, DeleteActions on connected devices


Add Mastercards on device (HW view) needs "Master card" function.

Manage Mastercards

Show Master Card Sets

Add, Edit, Delete Mastercard sets Enable, Disable, Delete mastercards from Sets

Manage Locker view

Show all Locker groups and lockers

Create, Edit, Delete Locker groups Assign lockers to a Locker group

Change Lockers

Assign Lockers to a Locker User (Dynamic or personal)

Change mode of a locker

Locker Actions

  • Quit Alarms

  • Set/Revert Maintenance

  • Quit Alarms

  • Set/Revert Maintenance

  • Disable/Enable Lockers

  • Open/Close Locker

Locker Users

Show Locker Users - including the information of all tabs of the locker users

Add, Edit, Delete Locker Users

Authorization Groups

Assign Authorization Groups to a User

Delete Authorization Groups Assign Authorization Groups to a User


Add, Edit need "Manage Locker view" Function to assign locker groups

Manage special cards

  • View maintenance authorization groups

  • View the maintenance tab for locker user

  • Add / Edit / Delete maintenance authorization groups

  • View the maintenance tab for locker user

  • Assign locker user to maintenance auth. group

  • Add maintenance data carrier for a locker user

Manage logs

View audit trail

Configure backup / clean-up (future)

Manage automatic locker tasks

View automatic locker tasks

Configure automatic locker tasks