Recreatex backoffice
This part of the setup guide describes the configuration for certain parameters in the Recreatex desktop application that modifies the default behaviour and flow of the mPOS app.
Configure POS for direct sales
If the parameter sales zone is empty for a POS, it will be considered for direct sales in mPOS.
How it works
When the user selects Other for sales zone, on the log-in screen the user will be able to select from POS configured for without sales.
Employee permissions
This section of the setup guide explains the employee authorization settings in the Recreatex desktop that modifies the default behaviour or flow of the mPOS app.
Employee login credentials
The PIN or NFC carrier used to log in, log out and unlock the mPOS app is defined from the tab Cashier data > Configuration on employee level in the Recreatex desktop application.
Shift details
The display of the option to view shift details depends on the employee rights setting in the Recreatex desktop application for the parameter, May view shift information.
How it works
If this parameter is activated, the user will be able to consult his/her shift details from the mPOS menu option Shift details.
Furthermore, it is also possible to switch shift between employees from the Shift details screen.
Switch shift
The ability to switch shift is dependent on the following two parameters:
1. At POS level, activate the option Enable sales shift sharing between multiple employees.
2. At POS level, define employees. Only these employees will be available when switching shift for the POS in question.
From the app menu, go to Shift details.
On the Shift details screen, tap in the upper-right corner.
In the resulting pop-up, you will be able to select from the cashiers defined in Recreatex for the current POS.
Employee orders
Dependent on the permissions defined at the employee level for the parameter Max. sales in history the employee will be able to consult the defined number of order records for the current shift.
How it works
From the mPOS menu option Shift history, the employee will be able to consult and print orders taken during the current shift.
Print day reports
The option to print day report will be visualised on the side menu only for POS configured with GKS.
However, only authorised mPOS users can print the day reports.
For the mPOS user to be able to print day reports, the parameter May print day reports should be activated under the tab Cashier data > Authorisation > POS of the employee card in the Recreatex desktop application.
How it works
On the mPOS app, when the user taps on any of the Day reports the report will be printed on the printer defined for the instance Checkout.
Display closing balance of the shift
The display of the calculated closing balance amount depends on the employee rights setting in the Recreatex desktop application for the parameter, Show calculated amount at the end of the shift.
How it works
If this parameter is activated, the user will be able to consult the calculated opening balance as well as the closing balance from the mPOS menu option Shift details.
If this parameter is deactivated, the user will be able to consult the calculated opening balance only.
Settle table assigned to others
The parameter May settle all attribute tables defines the permissions to modify orders for table assigned to another employee on the mPOS app.
How it works
Activating the parameter May settle all attribute tables will allow mPOS user to settle the table assigned to another employee as well as move the order to a table assigned to another employee in the mPOS app.
Modify order item
Dependent on the parameter May settle all attributed tables in the Recreatex desktop application, the mPOS user will have the option to modify the ordered item's quantity on the Basket screen.
How it works
When parameter May settle all attributed tables is activated, the user can increase or reduce the quantity of the ordered item on the Basket screen of the mPOS app.
If deactivated, the user will not be able to modify order items.
Apply discount at item level
The ability of the mPOS user to apply discount on item level depends on the employee rights setting in Recreatex desktop application for the parameter, Allow discounts on sales.
Irrespective of the employee authorisation, the mPOS user can apply percentage discount to exhibition ticket sale (from the exhibition detail screen) and the total order amount (from the Checkout screen).
How it works
If this parameter is activated, the option to apply discount at item-level will be shown.
In a situation wherein the mPOS user can apply discount on item level and to the total order amount, the discount applied right before bill payment will be considered. This means, discount will not be applied twice.
For example, 5% discount is applied to an item. Now, on the Checkout screen 10% discount is applied. In effect, the total payable amount will be discounted by 10%. The discount at individual item will be overwritten.
Delete items
The ability to delete ordered items or the entire order depends on the employee rights setting in Recreatex desktop application for the parameter, May delete articles.
How it works
When the parameter May delete articles is defined as No, the delete button on the Basket screen will be disabled.
Moreover, the option to delete an item will not available for order items.
Print shift report
Dependent on the settings at the Point of Sale level in the Recreatex desktop application (tab Various > Always print shift report), the user will be prompted to print the shift report after closing the shift.
If the parameter Always print shift report is activated, the employee's shift report will automatically be printed after closing the shift.
If deactivated, the user will be prompted to print shift report after closing the shift.
The printing method defined for Checkout in Settings > Printer > Printing instance will be used for printing the shift report.
Customer selection mandatory
Horeca items and direct ticket sales
It is possible to selectively define items obligatory for the mPOS user to select a customer at the time of confirming the order.
For this purpose, the parameter Customer obligatory should be defined as Yes under the tab POS of the article card in the Recreatex desktop application.
In case of Horeca items and direct ticket sales, the parameter customer obligatory is applied at individual, item-level.
How it works
When confirming an item defined as customer obligatory, the user will be transferred to the Customer selection screen.
Exhibition ticket sales
By default, exhibition tickets can be sold without having to select a customer. However, it is possible to make customer selection obligatory for sale of exhibition tickets.
For this purpose, in the Recreatex desktop application:
Go to Sales > Settings > Points of Sale
Select a point of sale.
Under the tab Exhibitions, activate the parameter Customer mandatory.
In case of exhibition ticket sale, the parameter customer mandatory is applied at POS level, which means if the parameter is active, all the exhibitions configured in the POS will require selecting a customer to register a sale.
How it works
When confirming the exhibition sale details, the user will be prompted to select a customer.
Note that when the parameter customer mandatory is active, the hint text for the field Customer on the exhibition detail screen is Customer Name, which otherwise is Guest.
Change item price
Activating the parameter Allow price adaptations in the Recreatex desktop application at an item level, will allow the mPOS user to manually change the price of that item.
The possibility to change item price is not allowed on GKS point of sale, irrespective of the setting on item level.
How it works
In the mPOS app, when modifying the item on the basket screen it will be possible to change the price of the item using the option Change price.
The current price will be overwritten by the newly entered price.
Group item on the checkout receipt
The setting on item level Tickets > Group identical articles allows you to manage how items will be shown on the checkout bill receipt generated from the mPOS app.
How it works
If activated, same items in the order will be grouped on the checkout receipt. If deactivated, a separate line will be created for an item each time it is added and confirmed until checkout.
For example, a customer orders 1 Coca-cola and 1 Fanta, and confirms the order. Later he repeats the order.
On checkout, the bill receipt will show:
2X Coca-cola
2X Fanta
If the parameter Group identical articles is deactivated in the Recreatex desktop app, for the same example, the checkout bill receipt will show:
1X Coca-cola
1X Fanta
1X Coca-cola
1X Fanta
Promotion rules
In case promotional rules are configured in Recreatex desktop application (Sales > Promotion rules > Promotion rules overview), the promotional offer will automatically apply at the time of sale from the mPOS application.
The mPOS app supports promotional rules for Article sale and Exhibition.
In the mPOS app, the complimentary item will be shown at zero price.
For a description on creating promotional rules, see Promotion rules.
Configuring payment methods
Cash, card, invoice and put on tab
The payment methods mapped in the Recreatex desktop application (POS > Parameters > tab mPOS Sales) will be available in the mPOS application on the Checkout screen.
The option Put on tab refers to making credit purchase against the customer's membership card.
For card payment, it is possible to configure the card types which will be available when making payments using the option Card. Refer, Configuring card options
Card options
It is possible to configure which card options will be shown when the user chooses the payment option cards in the mPOS app.
To configure card options in Recreatex, go to General > Settings > Finances > Payment methods. In the payment method card, enable Payment terminal processing. Thereafter, select a Card type.
It is possible to configure multiple card options. These card options will show in mPOS at the time of checkout when Card is selected as a payment option.
The option of e-purse will by default show on the Checkout screen of the mPOS app. In Recreatex, e-purse is configured from General > Parameters > tab Address > tab Finances.
Digital wallet
In Recreatex, go to General > Settings > Finances > Payment methods. If a payment method is configured as Digital wallet, the option of Digital wallet will show in the mPOS app.
Use digital wallet
In order to use digital wallet in mPOS, one of the payment methods set at POS level should have processing type Digital wallet.
How it works
The option to use digital wallet will be available on the Checkout screen.
For a detailed description on how to make payments using a digital wallet, refer to the mPOS manual.
Configuration to register Temporary sales
The Digital wallet needs to be configured at the article level in order to allow registering temporary sales.
On the article card of the item that you wish to allow for temporary sales on the Digital wallet, go to tab Types. Enable Digital Wallet and add the Credit limit.
The Credit limit must be set to more than 0 to be able to use the Temporary Sales mode for the Digital wallet.
For the parameter 'Sales mode', choose Temporary.
In the tab Creditcard tokenization the parameter 'Enable creditcard tokenization' should be disabled.