Logging into the application
The following topics discuss the procedures for logging into the mPOS app
On the login screen, the user is required to select a sales zone, point of sales and his/her name from the cashier list.
To authenticate the login, the user can enter his/her employee PIN or tap his/her NFC card or wristband against the back of the device.
Tap to proceed with logging into the application.
If the option Remember PIN is used, the selection in all the fields will automatically be filled in when logging into the application subsequent times.
The employee authentication used to log in, log out and unlock the mPOS app is defined from the tab Cashier data > Configuration on employee level in the Recreatex desktop application.
When logging into the mPOS app for the first time, Help screens will be visualised. The user can browse through the help screens for an overview on how to use the mPOS application.
On subsequent logins, the user can consult the help screens by tapping on the option Help from the app menu (visualised as on the home screen).
First time log in
When logging in for the first time, you are required to select your sales zone, point of sales and name from the given list of options.
To authenticate the login, you can enter your employee PIN or tap your NFC card/wristband against the back of the device.
mPOS supports scanning MIFARE DESfire cards.
If the option Remember PIN is used, your PIN will automatically be filled in when logging into the application subsequent times.
Tap to proceed with logging into the application.
The employee authentication used to log in, log out and unlock the mPOS app is defined from the tab Cashier data > Configuration on employee level in the Recreatex desktop application.
When logging into the mPOS app for the first time, Help screens will be visualised. The user can browse through the help screens for an overview on how to use the mPOS application.
On subsequent logins, the user can consult the help screens by tapping on the option Help from the app menu (visualised as on the home screen).
Subsequent log in
When logging into the mPOS app for the subsequent times, only two fields will be visualised - Employee name and PIN.
The field for employee name will be pre-filled. In case the option Remember PIN was enabled at the time of first log in; the field to enter PIN will also be filled-in.
However, it is possible to select another employee and enter his/her PIN to log into the mPOS app.
Should there be a need to change the sales zone or point of sales upon subsequent login, it is possible to do so from Settings > General > POS selection. See further, General