All order-related email templates, such as those for order reservation, confirmation, cancellation, and payment decline are automatically generated by the system (Enviso Trade) and cannot be edited by reseller operators.
These emails are triggered when actions such as order reservations, confirmations, cancellations, or payment declines occur, and will be sent to resellers or visitors accordingly.
The following email templates are automatically generated and include Vintia branding and an order summary:
Reserve order email
Partial cancellation order email
Confirm order email
Cancel order email
Payment declined email (order summary is not available)
Additionally, if a reseller’s logo has been added to their General page, it will appear in these emails. If no logo is uploaded, the email will be sent without it.
An order can be cancelled until the time duration defined by the Venue. Else, it will be automatically cancelled or confirmed, as configured by the Venue. By default, if a reserved order is not confirmed 24 hours before the visit date and time, the order will be cancelled.