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Trade for Resellers

Reserved orders

For a reserved order, it is possible to update, confirm or cancel it.

Update order

On clicking Update, you will be redirected to the Checkout screen. Click on the Edit icon to update the order.

Next, on the Update tickets screen, enter the required ticket quantity. It is also possible to add another ticket type, eg. Child, by increasing its quantity from 0.

Once you have made the required changes, click Update.


A maximum of 5000 tickets of single or multiple offers can be added to the cart per order.

This is for the optimal performance of the system. You can always initiate a new order to book more tickets.

Conditions to update an order

  • When ticket quantity is updated, the current price of the tickets will apply, which may differ from the price at which the tickets were reserved.

  • If a ticket is updated with quantity zero, that ticket will be removed from the order. However, if there is only one ticket in the order, the quantity cannot be reduced to zero. In this case, to cancel the order, go to My orders > Options - Cancel.

  • When updating an order, it is not possible to change the visit date or slot time.

Confirm order

In case there are no changes to the reserved order, click Confirm to confirm the order. See further, Manage confirmed order

Cancel order

Select Cancel to cancel the order. However, an order can be cancelled only until the time duration defined by the Venue. Else, it will automatically be cancelled or confirmed, as configured by the Venue.