Consult partners
On the page Partners, it is possible to consult a partner's profile, offers and their reselling terms. Select a partner to view his/her Venue profile.
Dependent on the tab accessed, it is possible to search partners, filter partners by tags and alphabetically sort the list of partners from the top-right corner of the Partners page.
Partners in discussion
The tab In discussion lists partners who have sent you a partnership request, and you have neither accepted nor declined yet. It also contains partners to whom you have sent a partnership request, and they are yet to accept/decline it.
When consulting a partner who is in In discussion state, in addition to consulting the partner's profile, you will be able to accept or decline the partnership request as well.
If a Venue has sent you a partnership request, you will be able to accept or decline the request from the Venue's profile page.
Connected partners
The tab Connected lists partners with whom a partnership has been established.
Partner details
When consulting a partner, you will be able to consult the partner's profile (tab About), offers published by the partner (tab Offers) and the reselling terms of the partner (tab Terms).