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Trade for Venues

Configure category

Hover over a category card that needs to be configured. The edit icon will appear.

Click on the edit icon. This will result in the opening of the right-side menu where you can edit the category name, add/edit partners in the category (tab Partners) and set commission (tab settings).


Edit Partners

From the tab Partners, you can select which partners to add to the category. Click the add button corresponding to a partner, in order to add it to the category.

On doing so, note that the icon corresponding to the selected partner will change to a tick mark. This indicates the partner has been added to that category. Moreover, the count of partners will also increase.

Click Save to apply the changes.

Remove partner from a category

In order to remove a partner from a category, click the delete button corresponding to the partner.


The removed partner will automatically move to the default category, and the configurations of the default category will apply.

It is not possible to remove a partner from the default category. A partner in the default category can only be moved to another category.

Set commission

From the tab Settings, it is possible to define commission which will apply to all the partners in that category.

Partner commission

It is possible to define a percentage commission or a fixed commission amount which will apply to all the partners in a category.


Important to know:

  • The partner commission is calculated based on the minimum reselling price defined while creating an offer. See further, configuring offer tickets.Tickets

  • Dependent on the Locale settings, the currency will be displayed.Locale

Click Save to apply the changes.

Pre-billing schedule

A pre-bill will automatically be generated for the previous month for the resellers in the category.

A pre-bill is an estimated invoice of the tickets sold by a reseller. It does not include any taxes.


For a detailed description of managing pre-bills, refer Consult pre-bills and Pre-billing settings.

Move partners

It is possible to move partners to another category, simply by dragging and dropping the partner card into the desired category.

Alternatively, you can click on the options button on a partner's card and select Move to. From the resulting list of categories, select the category for moving the partner to the desired category.



When moving a partner to another category, configurations of that category will apply.

However, if a partner has already been assigned offer capacity, it will not be possible to move the partner to another category.

Assign tags

It is possible to assign tags to a partner, which can be used for filtering the partner list. A maximum of five tags can be assigned to a partner.

To assign a tag, click on the options button on the partner's card. Select Assign tags.


As a result, the right-side menu will appear for assigning tags. Enter a tag in the text box and click the add button.

A tag will be assigned to the partner.

Remove tag

To remove a tag added to a partner, click the cross on the tag.