On the reseller level, you can manage certain configurations.
Payment method
You can select the payment method as Invoice or Direct payment at the reseller level.
The main difference between the two payment methods is that with the Invoice payment method, the amount owed to the venue is paid monthly, whereas, with the direct payment method, the reseller pays the venue at the time of confirming a reserved order.
In case Invoice is selected as the payment method, the venue will receive a pre-bill from the reseller each month containing the order sales and the amount payable to the venue.
Direct payment
The venue receives the payable amount on a per-order basis instead of settling the payable amount on a monthly basis (Invoice).
In case of the Direct payment method, a reserved order will be confirmed only after the reseller pays the venue the payable amount. The payable amount is the venue's product price minus the reseller's commission.
The payment configuration is applicable to Enviso Trade. This means the reseller can still confirm the order from the Reselling API.
If Direct payment is configured for a reseller, the venue can confirm the order that was placed from the reseller's Offers shop. This can be useful in case the reseller faces payment processing issues with their bank.
It is possible to configure the Direct Payment method for your reselling partners only if they have an Enviso Pay account or active KYC status.
Order cancellation
You can now allow your resellers to cancel confirmed orders at the partner level. Moreover, you can allow or restrict cancelling confirmed orders with past visit dates.
Depending on the order cancellation settings for the reseller, the reseller will be able to cancel the orders/passes from their Trade for Resellers account. However, orders/passes can still be cancelled from the Reselling API.