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What's new in Enviso

Jul 24, 2024


Voucher offer enahncements

  • It is possible to define exclusion days for a voucher offer with a fixed date validity period.

  • On the defined excluded days, the visitor cannot redeem the voucher for the linked tickets.



Voucher offers are available only to specific venues. You can request Vintia support to enable this feature for your venue.


Product template enhancement

  • Venue users can now add the field Voucher validity in the product template to send the voucher validity information in the ticket sent to the customers.

Trade for Resellers

Voucher offer enahncements

  • Resellers can consult voucher order details from the My orders page.

  • Resellers can add the field Voucher validity in the product template to send the voucher validity information in the ticket sent to the customers.

Reselling API

Supports voucher offer

  • Using the Reselling API v2, integrators can now get voucher offers, checkout the basket, and place orders for voucher offers using the API.

  • Integrators can also update or cancel voucher orders and get pass validity through the Reselling API v2.