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What's new in Enviso

Jul 10, 2024


Configure voucher validity

After activating a voucher offer, you can configure the voucher validity for a Fixed period or for Fixed dates.


If the voucher validity is defined as Fixed period, it is possible to mark excluded days for the period. On the excluded days, the visitors cannot redeem the voucher.



Voucher offers are available only to specific venues. You can request Vintia support to enable this feature for your venue.

Direct selling API

Trade for Resellers

Voucher offers available on Offers shop

If the Venue partner has published a voucher offer, you will be able to reserve and sell the voucher offers as a reseller.

You will also be able to manage orders for voucher products from the My orders page. This means you will be able to consult, confirm and cancel product voucher orders.



  • Enviso pay overview (Payments) of in the Admin app now has the possibility to Go to order in the payment detail sidebar.


    Clicking on 'Go to order' will open that order in the Sales app in a different tab, with the relevant order filter applied.